Moderator Abuse/Laziness?

Actually I was about to quote from Song of songs. Was searching for the english translation when the Evil Dark Lord of Tobi came and locked the thread. :smiley: Thought you would appreciate some soft erotic :lollipop:.

What about:

How beautiful you are, my beloved, how beautiful you are! Your eyes are doves.
How beautiful you are, my love, and how you delight me! Our bed is the greensward.

Or this repeating motive of myrrh:

  • My love is a sachet of myrrh lying between my breasts.
  • Before the day-breeze rises, before the shadows flee, I shall go to the mountain of myrrh, to the hill of frankincense.
    At sunday school I surely did not know what the hill of frankincense means :smiley:. Didn’t even begin to study the topic of Venus.

The rest of the Old testament - with one significant exception of early existentialist Ecclesiastes - is crap.

(Frankly: I see your point and agree almost completely. I would add it’s Warhorse forums and they could decide what is beneficial and what is not. Never ending discussions full of trolling about PC/PS4 or sexual orientation are probably not beneficial from the viewpoint of the developement of the game. And that is what this forum is primarily about. I would add my personal opinion - Tobi is highly restrainted and allow us to discuss what we want. It’s great and I highly appreciate that but to be frank he could very well be much more strict. Therefore this topic is utter crap of nonsense.)

It stayed up that long because when originally created MadSmejki actually moderated. He told people (who mostly are adults, but even as adults many people are very impolite and adamant about their opinions, and sometimes need to be told “alright calm down and be polite” because certain topics people can get heated on it’s natural) to calm down he deleted spam post and I don’t know if he took any actions against people, but some people were obviously trolling he intervened and they stopped. That’s very good in my opinion. When you allow two people though to troll for 100 comments even when they admit they’re trolling. That’s not on the community, and that’s not on the thread, that is on them two people and that’s where a moderator should be stepping in. Not telling 10,000 people “to hell with you, you can’t keep a civil conversation” you say “to hell with you two you aren’t wanted here, you obviously can’t handle the responsibility of an open forum” also it wasn’t just the moderators sometimes two people would get into a conversation and I would remind them “if you have things to discuss with each other use private chat, this is an open forum” especially if it’d get further off topic.

I won®t say the old testament is crap. I think it offers a nice view about the development of early Israel/ Palestine and a interesting insight of the mytholgical world of the middle east. If modern christians knew how much “heresy” is hidden in the O.T. :smiley:

Why do I feel as though I have a pile of “Original Topic” in one hand, and a pile of “Religious Debate” in the other, and they’re just being shuffled together into this thread? :expressionless:



And what about the birds???


tuppence for the birds Tobi tuppence for the birds.


There is nothing like this in this topic
nopenope nope you imagine that :smiley:

IÂŽll stop with it I promise :smiley:


I was just sarkastic. Of course it is not crap. It is mythology and one should I believe see it as mythology.

They should. Even I know from my “sunday school”. And my studies afterwards. :smile:


Those nasty turtledoves.

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Well, if I’m calculating correctly, we’re about 1 city bird shy at the moment.

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just for future reference I wasn’t trolling, also I backed out because I noticed that a civil discussion is not possible anymore which was a bit before one of those threads were closed. Which seems to be reasonable imho. No offense, just a little side note as this seems to sound very familiar.

Did you think you were trolling? I personally don’t know what you contributed or didn’t contribute to any thread. My mind was on two other individuals. So maybe you trolled and maybe you didn’t. I don’t know, I rarely ever call people a troll so I doubt I claimed you were one.

Ich dachte es wÀre ein Mittelalter spiel
und es ginge um eine geschichte in der gekÀmpft wird!?
Finde es aber ziemlich mutig solch einen Thread zu eröffnen
der fast die selbe thematik wieder aufgreift.
Doch dieses wiederholen kann wirklich stören.

I was gonna reply but then I realized Madras made the topic and it would be closed in few days anyhow.

I love you Buddy but Everything you Post is troll food, and it makes it difficult to empathize with you.

Wait, but you did reply
 I’m confused. Weren’t there two city birds here? :expressionless:


@Madaras, when you post hot-button topics, is it really any surprise when they eventually fall apart into insults and trolling and get shut down? You can wish all you like for the board to be run differently, but it’s not your forum and you aren’t one of the moderators. They have different ways of handling blowups when they happen. I don’t think constantly complaining about it is going to get you anywhere.


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Then we agree. Though hot-topics call forward trolls they also help to minimize the troll population. Avoiding a topic because it’s “hot” would be allowing ignorance to run rampant. Things need to be discussed if people are to learn. No human is a world unto themselves.

What he^ said.goin Game