Monastery Questline Help

I hate this quest with a passion, I don’t mind all the tedious little mini-quests but every 5minutes i’m being thrown in jail by the Circators and i’ve literally done nothing but Pray, Eat and Transcribe

I’ve now been kicked out, reclaimed all my items but they’re listed as ‘Stolen’ which is a ballache. Any advice on how I complete the quest now I’ve been kicked out? i’ve got no objective marker on my map for this quest now

Either sneak in and kill him, kill the guys that gave you the quest, or go to their camp, and take it from there.

Heh… I literally just went “fuck this game” and alt+f4’ed out because of this damned quest. I knocked out the wrong guy and tried to carry him out of the monastery, and found out it’s not even the right guy. Yeah, there’s nothing fun about this quest. I do really appreciate its educational value though - everything from the cool, authentic-looking furniture, to the way it tries to give you an idea about what monastic life was like, to Avicenna, who was a real, influential philosopher. But man, is this quest is just tedious. I couldn’t find my way out of the monestary - it seems like the door is locked, and I still have no lockpicks. The guy with lockpicks said he wants food, but I couldn’t even get 5 lockpicks with a whole bunch of food I stole from the cellarrs… Just… fuck this quest. I mean, I appreciate this quest for the way it briefly immerses you in 15th century monastic life, but also, fuck this quest.

I just want to get back out and fight dudes. I guess I’m something of a philistine.


If you tried to explore around more, talk to people you’d find it easily. There are hints here and there. It’s a subtle quest,they’ve made it quite brilliantly


Obviously spoilers ahead:

What you are supposed to do:
Ask around the novices background, think antonius is the most trustworthy, tell him about your search for pious.
Anonious is actually pious and will poison your food next time you eat.
Antonious is surprised you survived the poison, gives you and antidote and a plan to get out
You need goat blood and a key, go through the door at the end of the dining hall, there you are supposed to use a scroll, you are ordering blood you can pick up later.
Go a room further and you will see a key for every door on a shelf.
Go back to antonious to start some cutscenes.
Outside tell antonious you take him to the bailiff, fistfight and end of quest
you will not get his lucky die this way, you can continue the mainquest though without problems.

Sidequests in the monastery and the rewards:
Get a healing book, reward must have been shite because I dont remember it.
Find all the ripped out pages: Takes forever, they are quite evenly spread out so just find one per room, many in locked chests. Reward: Key for the bookshelf you need for previous quest.
Get wine, gets triggered if you spend a night in “jail” in the monastery, quest is quite easy when you have they key anyway, dont know reward, quest was buggy for me could not return whine.

What you can do if you want to skip the monstery:
Climb up the ladders outside the monastery and jump in (only read about this, dont ask me for exact spot)
Kill antonius/pious, loot die.
Lockpick your way out or pick up the key behind the dining hall.
I so far do not know if you can knock antonious out and carry him outside.

How to do the monks life:
Read the book about your daily routine
Be where you are supposed to be, remember you can wait and remember you can interupt waiting with escape.
Alchemy Job: Just brew the bloody potion, ingredients in a chest next to you, refills every day, brew away and raise alchemy skill. If you need lockpicks, potions are food and can be sold do get lockpicks.
Writing job: Just pick the latin phrase. Yes, this game was easy for me because I know latin, never thought it would come in handy. If you do not know latin I dont know how to do it. it doesnt matter anymway.

I spent about 2 gameweeks in the monastery, it is a great spot to boost reading, alchemy, lockpicking and pickpocketing skills. I dont like how learning to read is almost mandatory in this game, will do second playthrough as illiterate thief.


I actually managed to do it in the end albeit not the intended way.

I climbed up the scaffolding outside the Monastery, dropped onto the roof to get into the Monastery courtyard. Run in and killed Antonious and stole his Dice. I couldnt find the door to get out again but I just let the guards arrest me for killing him, once you get out of Jail you’ll be in Sasau to carry on the quest

I loved the quest too. I think they should have a hardcore mode where timeskipping is disabled. The monastery is beautiful but it starts to feel claustrophobic after a while. Loved to get out once i got the keys…

Sadly the monks were locked in the dining hall after quest. Which was sad because I wanted to go in and kill the cicators and I couldn’t do it unnoticed. Also they still address me as brother not as a runaway murderer.

Lol, You do not have a job do you.


I need help, because i`m blind. :wink: I just can not find the wine barrel and i search last night a long time. :slight_smile: Can anyone help please?

I just killed both circators and disposed their bodies in the jailcell - noone is going to enforce the monastic rules on you after that :smile:


I’ve got a Monday-Friday 8-5pm mate! I’ve completed the game now so I have a bit more spare time

Hardly have to be un-employed to play video games


I found my mistake.
You have to go down to the cellar and talk to Johann. After that, the quest gets an update.

Incidently Circators wine quest is STILL bugged even in 1.3 :frowning: I press enter to put cask on the table, nothing happens and noone talks to me :frowning:

This quest bugged for me so hard that I actually kept it in my playthrough. There’s a dagger and money hidden in a tile within the monastery. If you have a stealth kill ability, you can use it to kill antonius. I talked to him and he poisoned me, so I concocted the plan with him. However, little did he know that I had a dagger and wasn’t about to go through all of that. Basically at mass, we were at the back of the pack praying. I saved and did a crazy stealth kill thinking no one would see me. Boy was I wrong. They all turned around and had 20 guards in no time. So I reloaded and needed to plan a new attack. When I loaded back in, people were still praying; however, antonius was dead and guards surrounded him. They were looking for the one responsible and weren’t aggroing me as the candidate. I then had the keys and walked out. I still have quest messages popping daily about “Go to bed”, “Go eat with the others”, etc. and I can’t get rid of them now.

apparently the messages are because you are still technically a monk novice you are just abandoning your duties; if you go back and get confronted they’re supposed to kick you out for shrugging off your duties. You can try that if they’re that annoying, honestly for me they just became something I barely noticed.

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I went back, and they wouldn’t speak to me about anything. I was also trespassing. Guards came eventually and booted me out. I’m not sure how to get the messages to stop, I even talked to Circator john.

that’s dumb

What I did was tell all of the novices that I was in the monastery to find someone in the nicest way so that none of them would report me and they’d help me if they could and the next day Pious just directly told me who he was and I got him out and then arrested him.

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It is very gratifying I must say. I even pursued john a bit… Not that I had to but just to see the look of fear in his face. It was poetic. Shame there is no brutal kill a la Mortal Kombat.

same issue i had but had save game, it bugged first time tried to start quest gave me stolen robe and didnt do cut scene. and when i got kicked out stolen kit with evrryone telling me i should be in monnsetry with all locked doors which i cant help due to the lockpicking issue means im to low to try even break in. thought might be secrent entrace but not found anyhting.