Need advice desperately

Im gonna restart my game im not that far in I’ve barely gotten to the bandit camp what suggestions do you folks have on starting a good game which skills should i choose and what actions would get me the most starting money any suggesyions on videos teaching combat

Play it YOUR way.

Thats how it has been designed.

I have restarted twelve times. I have tried many dialogue arcs and skill point issues.

My partner took the plant picking skill that adds strength points from harvesting.
I picked so many toxic plants around the town pub that the game gave me a +2 to vitality.

In any other computer rpg I often eschewed health/vitality/endurance as I can always reload a save (in most computer rpg games renders vitality basically useless).

If you dont enjoy combat- dont do combat.
If you dont enjoy reading- dont do reading.
Its your game. I personally enjoy undressing before bed and watching light transistions with weather and time of day.

I have playlines for being a botanist and playlines for being a badass.
The missus and I have a near daily dilema (at least weekly) of wondering if we should start again/roll another cat…

Just dialogue options with Kunesh in Skalitz showed me how more speechcraft wasnt always a ‘clear win’ towards chosen outcome - but certainly might prove a way to open up options.

Dialogue that is white apparently develops your speech.
Arguably there is finite dialogue and locks to pick etc.
Combat is arguably infinite.

Most every other rpg that lets you modify a luck stat (usually only once, before game start), I take it cause it cannot be levelled in game/via playing.

Take your time and play how you want.
Finding stuff out for yourself is presently where a lot of the replay is.
I hate reading spoiler threads.
I hope that the my suggestion to pick plants at the town pub isnt a spoiler :wink:



Well like the thing is i want to be good at the combat and at stealth i almost always play a theif but picking the locks seems so impossible

Fight Kunich and backpedal through the whole fight, popping him in the face and backing up around his barn as he follows you… drag out the fight and you’ll gain combat skills. During the sword practice, when he wants you to hit him with combos, just tag him once, pause, and tag him once, pause, tag him once… until the fight times out and he says he’s tired. You’ll gain more sword levels that way. When you get to Rattay, fight the boxing guys over and over again… you’ll gain strength, warfare, agility, vitality, and unarmed… then fight bernard over and over again with wooden weapons… fight him unarmed too… easy way to gain strength. You can quickly become invincible with this method and all your fights will be over quick and boring if you get a decent sword. Get the pricker or piercer from the the Rattay swordsmith… then just stab people in the face a lot.

If that’s the way you want to go with it, that’s a quick method.

Also, not the only method. You could gain your bow skill by shooting rabbits and such, and then buy the cheap horse in uzhitz (rocicinte I think)… then you can kill bandits with your bow from horseback. Extremely effective combat.

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Picking locks is super easy after you get the hang of it. Ask the miller to show you how, then practice on his practice chest over and over again. After you pick it, if you open and close it, it will lock again, and you can pick it again. Get the tough lockpick skill asap. If the gold spot is in a place that is too difficult for you, stand up and start over… it’s position will move every time. Certain spots are easier to pick than others… find out where it is easiest for you.

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Aight thank you i really just suck and i have had such shit luck with it all i was at the bandit camp and i was kind of hanging back helping takr out the straggelers and i got hit in the neck and almost died

You can stay in Skallitz till you have eaten all pots of food. You will not lose energy, cause its always 10 oclock. You can raise collecting herbs up to 18, lockpicking till 15/16 (i was out of pots). Just don`t steal anything or merchants will get expensive although you have an high reputation.
In the run before i have found a very hard chest at my first bandit camp, so i decided to push my lockpick skill at next run in Skallitz.

You can level alchemy by making vitality potions. Dandeleions and marigold are plentiful north of the millers house in rattay, just across the bridge.

The game is not as strict in brewing.

  1. Add water,
  2. Add 2x dandelion,
  3. Activate bellow 3x,
  4. Grind marigold, then add to cauldron,
  5. Bellow 3x,
  6. Get phial, and distill,
  7. Bellow 2x.

This gives you 3x vitality potion. They sell at 10-40 groschen each, depending on traders reputation of you.

At alchemy lv 10, you can autobrew by looking at the recipe.ñ, rush to achemy lv13 for autobrew2.

This allows you to craft 3 pots every 5 seconds.

I have 25k om my Henry right now from doing this.

Also, traders gold increase depending on how much you sell to them.

Just take your time, the most important think that some players can actually miss is to train with Bernard and learn timed block, combos and master strikes. You’ll enjoy the game hundreds times more once you’ve mastered the combat system which you can only do by practicing.
Regarding skills, don’t stress over them and remember that you can respec using Lethe potion. For money, poaching will bring you thousands pretty quickly, later on stealing and simply looting dead enemies will be enough, you don’t really need money in this game.

I suggest that you don’t choose the same stat at the beginning. If you wanna read more : Best Advices To Progress Through This Beautifull Game

Just play and do what you feel and think that suites you. Don’t mind fucking some quests up; you can’t mess up, just get a different outcome. It’s a rpg.
This type of playing, dare to make mistakes, sounds easier than it is.