Need somewhere to store clothes

It’s very frustrating trying to store different clothes sets… For example if you want to save some clothes so you can dress up like a noble or dress a different way to blend in somewhere you have to search through you inventory and it’s so hard to match up the clothes… You end up selling it all because you don’t know what goes with what… There should be some way to separate and store certain outfits to make it easier to have a complete set of clothes… Maybe clothes pouches inside your inventory… Heeeeelp!!!


Yes, saving gear sets and optionally hiding them from the store would be awesome.

get a horse whit sattelbags

Even having saddle bags doesn’t mean that you can keep certain sets of clothes together.

Put it into your traveling chest. Each inn/tavern you go to and buy a bed will have a chest by it and that chest and all your inventory in it will travel to other inns you go to.

I know about the chests but you can’t keep individual sets of clothes together to use in different circumstances. We need 2 or 3 different pouches inside the inventory bag to store different sets of clothes in…

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I see what you mean, I agree with you. It would be nice to have that option of categories in inventory. I also wish that I can check my quests faster, I have to scroll three times to finally get to the quest section which it feels like it takes 30 secs.

Yes that’s true. It does take a while with the quests.

having something you could lock items into a set and have a simple singular item you click on to move sets from your inventory to a chest in the inn etc would be good and could also be used to exclude items from being shown when you sell stuff to merchants etc too.

maybe limit you to carrying 1 set on your personal inventory, 1 set in your horse inventory, and the remainder in your global storage chest at the inn etc, so long as an appropriate amount of times delay was implemented for switching sets akin to what it would take you with single items to do the same.

I dont think it would make sense that a person in the 15th century would carry around sets of armor or outfits when they only need one at a time. I do think having the option of having preset loadouts that can be taken from the storage chest makes sense. In all honesty though I would rather the team just spent time on making the game run better

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You would not be wasting a lot of time sitting there trying to match pieces of clothing up or selling clothes that you need to complete a set. Wouldn’t that speed the game up because you wouldn’t be stuck in your inventory looking at all these bits of clothing wondering what you can keep and what you can sell I myself am getting pretty bored having to constantly go to my chest or inventory to try to piece together a noble outfit or a thief outfit so I can blend in if needed… There is an awful lot of unnecessary soughting out to do in this game… Needs to be simplified.

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Yup, I had those tought last time ; I got 3 main sets, like one to maximize charisma with casual colorful outfit, one to protect in sword battles with heavy armor, and the last to sneak around with black / silent clothing.

Swapping each and every time, including weapons, even if that doesnt seems to improve or decrease stats (maybe some reactions from NPC but that’s unclear), if somehow painful since it’s hard to sort efficiently (despite the convenient tabs).

It could help to separate real armor (combat pieces) from simple clothing (hats, jackets, shoes, pants) with a separate “clothing” tab.
It will also prevent aberrations like having to use an armourer repair kit to fix any casual/noble hat (instead of the tailor kit, underused IMO, and much easier to find in stores than the armourer one).

Ultimately, being able to switch between “preset gear” would save plenty of time, even if not realistic for a bit… But changing clothes in seconds is not, so… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes but I just really hate the amount of time you have to spend soughting your inventory out. You spend long enough soughting your weapons etc let alone your clothes as well. Life isn’t that mundane. After all it is still a game… It would speed up your game play a hell of a lot.

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Sorry but if you can’t remember which clothes you want to sell and which ones you want to keep, that’s your problem. Although I can’t deny that the inventory indeed needs improvement.

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Lol, Sounds like you have it all worked out…

You do this everytime you change your clothes set at home, in real life.

And yet, when I’m travelling, I can absolutely pack my suit in one bag, a casual outfit in a neat roll, and my pj’s in a pocket. I don’t have to sort out my slacks from my sleepwear every time I open my duffel bag.
If this doesn’t get implemented by WH, I sincerely hope that an enterprising modder creates this functionality.


The problem is that when you actually find clothes, amour or weapons that might come in handy somewhere through out the game they just get mixed up with everything in your saddlebag so you end up just selling it off. We need a saddlebag within our saddlebag for items we want to use later. It’s a no brainer so I don’t know why people are arguing about this?

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All of the inventories are alphabetically sorted.
It would help if WHS labeled items “Noble…”
And rather than label swords just “Stinger” and such, list the item as “Sword: Stinger” etc.
This would help with inventory management and purchases if you are looking for a particular item.
My case in point is finding the Treasure Maps. They are all in one place and in a row in inventory.

In Skyrim you were able to give items a “Favorite” marker.
Something like that might be helpful, but I like the saddles bag idea too.
It would be more immersive.