OPEN the shop NOW!

Can’t wait to throw the money at you I saved within the last 36days when you started the Kickstarter campaign.


me too

I have no credit card so I have to pledge on the shop

I’m also eagerly waiting for the shop to be opened since I don’t have a credit card.

Don’t you have a bank account? I don’t have a credit card either, I just used my normal bank card.

'Muricans, assuming everyone is frim 'murica…
Kickstarter only allows ccs for non-americans.

Just keep saving and then you can give more when it opens.


Uh, I’m from the UK.

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I just found out about this game yesterday and missed out on the Kickstarter. Please open the shop soon so I can give you my money!!!

Thank you for your great vision with this game. It’s the one I’ve been waiting years for!

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The shop will open eventually and if it hasn’t yet it’s for good reasons! Do you think they haven’t opened it because you didn’t ask for it?

“Hey guys, POLY has asked us to open the shop, our time has finally come! Prepare all reservoirs of currency to be filled to the brim! Open the flood gates!”

No! Your request is illogical. :wink:

I’m excited for the Shop but Warhorse should take the time they need
we have more than enough time

I hope that’s 100% ironic…

No it’s not, but it’s with a wink as you can see in the bottom line, so don’t take it personally. I just don’t really see what the hurry is about. The shop says it’s opening soon and it will be long before the game is out.

i hope your original post is 100% ironic


Why should it be ironic?

I hit the reload button so many times on this site lately. It’s depressing.

Yup, same here! Pretty sad^^

Malaysian here, mate

Will there be other things we can buy in the shop too? If you have already backed the game i mean. I would totally buy some interesting trinkets or a shirt to support the game even more!

I hope so, I’d buy a coin or a figure or something like that
we’ll see