Optimised FPS

Hey there, just tested it out. My graphics are a mix of very high/high/medium settings and my specs are as follows:
GPU: GeForce GTX 1070
CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Memory: 16 GB RAM (15.91 GB RAM usable)
HDD: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB

Still while in the fields and forests game runs with more than 70 fps…as soon as I go to Rattay my CPU goes to 99%-100% and I have 35-45 fps drops.

Just did some other tests, it’s the same in Talmberg and the villages, as soon as I enter them there is 30-40 fps drops.

Thanks for your replay. But is this now a better framerate or not? :smiley: I´ll guess since the patch came out today, I have to test it myself. But Daniel already anounced that 1.4 will include PC optimizations. So


Well to be fair I still get the fps drops, but I haven’t gotten a single screen freeze, so there is a slight change, but entering a city is still terrible.

How is the lod issue ? They said the improved lods is it noticable ?

There is no change, ± same performance (=FPS drops) on my PC. Also I noticed more loading screens, e.g. after fast travel…

Even worse after Patch 1.3.1

i5-6600K @4.3GHz - GTX980 @1200 MHz - 16 GB RAM
Game is installed on a 960EVO M2…

1920x1200, Medium, no AA, shadows LOW, no blur

Peak: 60 (VSYNC capped, outside of towns)
Avereage: 42-52
Lowest: 10-18 (Rattay Market; Radzig’s camp @Mehrojed [haven’t checked Talmberg yet])

a few objects and textures (armoured guard, a tent with a fireplace) seem to be enough to drop the fps to 20 for about 2 seconds. This also happens, when starting to move - every 10 m or so FPS indicator shows 38 fps, but the 2-second-stuttering is like having 3 frames…

At present unplayable… unfortunately I cannot revert the patch from a steam-installation… screwed…

so what does Daniel’s tweet* mean? is it a red herring?

*- Good night! (testing patch 1.3, so far so good, 40fps on ultra 3440x1440, Vega + Threadripper 1900x - 60-80 in FHD on 1070 Ti)

It probably shows that even people who pay up to 750 € for a TI GPU won’t have a too good experience…and that I am soooo glad not to actually have the minimum required setup…this must be extremely awful…

Another issue, I just recognized for the first time… stones on paths pop in at around 10 m distance, with the shadow following at 7 m…
Also, I have flickering shadows or textures in medium disctance (about 150 m), I can’t remember to have before 1.3…
Yet, the worst remains the inconsistent streaming…

Maybe someone has some magic tips for my system setup to have at least kind of a stable FPS.

Confirmed with everything what Salreg wrote.

Texture streaming is even worse than before patch 1.3. Average time for reloding the textures is now 5 sec… Not to mention the ongoing pop ups of Stones,Shaddows,Grasses,Npc´s,Animals,etc.

My Rig is not that powerfull,but should handle this game on high settings.

My specs: FX6400 OC-3,9Ghz,GTX1050OC,8GiG Ram, (I know,I know)

Settings: High,Borderless Window mode,VSync 60Hz,AA on lowest.

Don’t know, he just bought a new computer. What I can stay stable 60-80 FPS is sci-fi, when I loaded first game after 1.3 patch it looked good, I had no screen tearing, no FPS drops, after 1 minute when I left Talberg everything was like before. Maybe if you’re not moving it’s better :slight_smile: Also people are reporting some bugs with drawing distance etc.

My graphics card is bit worse (Rx480) but it’s not so dramatic.

@PaulCZ then WH needs to test FPS and graphics performance by riding a horse through town on full gallop and shooting arrows at the NPCs. if it all renders40-60 fps with little to no pop ins on a minimum per spec PC, we’re golden

HOW About SLI, haven’t tried it yet!!! Anyone?

to keep it up, this is the latest reaction, kind of helpful, a little relaxing to see they have probably recognized the issues:

So we released a hotfix 1.3.1 that opttimizes the game on some CPUs, but also we screwed Advanced Graphic Settings hwn adding new features there, so we are working on another hotfix for that, Dont fiddle with those until itrs fixed :)

— Daniel Vávra ⚔ (@DanielVavra) March 10, 2018

Patch for patch for patch for patch… perfect :slight_smile:

No real improvment for me…both Cards scaling but no big fps+ =(

The game has no optimization.For example.They use multiple layers for clothes and so they use multiple meshes for clothes. This is a full absurd.Too many meshes too many vertex.And those open houses space without loading screen when come in making it harder for the processor.They have no idea how to optimize the game…no foot and horse steps animations,no breackable objects ,no birds in the sky,no horseriders,only same texture dogs and hens and people standing in the rain, this game is absurd …

Shit… Already fiddled lol.

Doesn’t look like my second card is firing up…Colors never change…

There’s absolutely no way they improved performance in 1.3, they fucked around with lod settings, Framrate is decent most the time the problem is there areas and certain situation where there’s just gigantic drops, that’s the kind of drop where you just know it’s an optimisation issue not hardware.

I have new experience with 1.3… It’s totally fucked up now, unplayable. Extreme screen tearing, objects poping and best part is accelerating and slowing the game when I move.