Patch 1.3 delayed

didn’t realize inflation since FEB 13th was so high. if $60 has become $1000, seems like we have bigger problems than KCD’s bugs

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there is more that one way to save so yes it can be. moreover, just because a user can use savior schnapps successfully 50 times doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s invariantly reliable (hence philosophy behind stress testing, six sigma, etc)

this isn’t just a KCD PS4 issue. FO4 has had its share of save problems. the most notable was corrupt quick saves. the following is further evidence (link)

so broken? no. buggy? yes

It was joke.

joke rooted in pain/disappointment. i get it.

This is only a note, a mark, a reminder… not a reply or against someone here in discussion!
I am happy about the delay…
if it will be tested better or a lot more, the possibility will have the same high score as before. Why!? Because they cant have 100.000 of pc hardware combinations to test the game in every situation.
And everyone needs to be remind that there can be two types of bugs, a reproduced one and a non. Not everyone will have the same situation as hundred other players!
kk, there are a lot more of bug types. Say never Never :sunny:

EDIT: Oh and we dont want to forget the consoles. It is another league of…
The Language is different, the tools, the hardware optimization process due of other components.
Good things, want to have time

rex, familia et ultio

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I think that we are not in that phase of optimization yet, because we have same hard bugs on all platform…

Yeah there are some slowdowns and freezes, but is probably due heavy Lua scripting (because of CPU peaks) and virtual machine on which scripts are running and from experience lets say that is just feature of used technology… Because execution of such scripts is usually much slower (10 times easily) that native C++ engine code… Unreal 3, evne old Quake, Unity etc… engines has this problem too… Faster CPU not helping too much in such cases.

Advantage of this script is that you can use scripters instead of c++ coders and there is lots of abstraction, scripters could be written quickly and by much less skilled, cheaper people…
There is way, which is i think used by Fallout 4 to compile this scripts and convert them in native C++, but its lots of code and you simple write 1 feature twice… I they dont do that already, i would take too much time… Or could just convert most C++ heavy scripts…

Just educated guess, i could be wrong…

Curious why Lua and not Python? What tips one way or other?

I really dont know, in game files are Lua scripts, maybe crytech has some preparation for Lua out of box… Maybe it was there choice, Lua was used for games a lot… Python is just other scripting language there are few of them… i dont think that one is by the nature much better.
I not Crytech expert - if it has some visual scripting as have Unreal Script - BluePrints, maybe it is generating Lua scripts, but probably not, because would be probably generate native c++ code.

familiar with Python usage in data science and heard it could be used in games. was wondering if Lua had some advantage over it besides familiarity and set infrastructure. thx for sharing

thx for update

Im really not right person to ask, im not professional games coder, im doing only part-time some specific coding… Im more in design.

AFAIK best scripting language is C# because is most mature,robust, best tools etc… and mature and is used by Unity for example (Unity has problems elsewhere, that why still not even 1 big game in unity exist, performance is poor)… but its still slow, because its running on virtual machine. in deep history some games used Java as scripting lang - for example gameplay code of Vampire the masq: Redemption was in Java- engine was Quake©, Minecraft was as whole written in Java. Vampire Bloodlines - used Python, there probably some list of games online…

Update, here we go:

Crytek has in-build Lua support:

Well python is problematic for 64 bit applications. They used it in Assetto Corsa and it was one of their headaches.

BTW probably only way to make game much faster is use Vulkan render API, but its still beta in Cry-engine, at least draw calls would be much cheaper… Its will not affect scripting, only there would be more cpu time.

Welcome to the club.

I have over 200 saves (Schnapps and Auto-Saves combined) and I haven’t encountered problems. In what way will it break down?

Had at save #80 and had to replay now in the 100s and it is fine. The thing is that some quests corrupt every save after that and make you go back to before when the bug happened since those saves won’t be corrupted.

My last save is 3870 something… Im saving a lot to discover all possibilities.

Update proof: // I had 100 more, but i returned to older save in trying to make not game constantly crash at certain moment…


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I’m fine with a delay so long as this patch really makes some much needed tlc the game currently needs. Oh and for laughs and curiousity how big do you think the patch will be? I mean day 1 patch was huge. Patch 1.2 was half of day 1 so I wonder given the massive bugs needing fixing still just how big this patch will be.

It will probably still be a large patch, as they’ve said the way things seem to work in this case is even if it’s a minor patch to a “segment” of the file sizes themselves, it’s making people re-download the whole segment.

I’m thinking the patch will be pretty large. Large enough I’ll have to go to my sisters house where they have high speed internet. I’m out in the country we only have satellite here and we’ll its not worth even a penny of what they charge for the service but nothin I can do bout that.

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