Patch 1.3 delayed

But there is nothing as fixing included, so if testing result would be failure you will wait other week, so you should paradoxically hope that they miss the bugs and will give go to patch.

Sorry, But pls ask your boss to make it an option for Console players, It looks incredible!

I think this comment by Daniel Vavra is the definitive one:


I’ve played conan and ark, it always takes longer for consoles. In fact i think ark was always a month behind for consoles

Any of you xbox jack holes, see the update is available?

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I already beat them :frowning:

Very upsetting the new sound of mixing dices when playing dice “Zonk” in version 1.3 , as if not a few dices are mixed, but one! In version 1.2 the sound of mixing dices was beautiful, so i hope in 1.4 it will be fixed.

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If you save and exit the game creates an save file. When reentering the game, the savefile gets deleted. This should prevent players from using the save and exit function as an alternative to the saviourschnaps.


The save and exit feature is in the game because now you can exit the game at any time. For excample you quit playing in the evening and continue on the next day. If it would be a permanent save pussys would save and exit the game before a battle, start the game again and when they die they start over. This is a serious game where you have to live with your decisions. Just like in real life. You fucked up, well deal with it. It´s not bullshit. At least not for babys.


After release of Version 1.3 for every platform it’s time to close this topic…