Patch 1.3 delayed

Will the torch (quick button) be fixed? I don’t see that in the patch notes.


Thank you, Sir.

And over 300 other fixes in various quests.

Kinda vague. All I’m saying.

You expect them to list every single one of the 300 fixes?


Can we get the Stealth Kills alerting everyone fixed, Also can we get 3rd Person option for Console? Ty

I hope it comes out today for PS4, It will not release during the weekend. thanks

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Absolutely not. That said, it’d be much appreciated if main quests impacted this were listed (esp. if fix resolves gamebreaking bug - such as Hans and Ginger in previous patch). If none are main, the ‘over 300 non main quest / non game breaking (critical, pick your word) quest bugs’ or something to that effect

WH isn’t a SaaS vendor but adopting some of their client facing communication strategies (eg, listing bug fixes for critical functionality) would serve WH well … at least until KCD becomes more mature/stable

Not for Console and not for PC…:blush:


Look, I get it. you disagree.

Why not? there could be some link for additional info and additional info i mean 1 line of text, i think that you already could be such info ready… Export fixed Bug names from bugtracker could be enough.

Patches on console take so long not because they review it 100 times and test it through and through but because they probably only have a few people working there and it takes 5-10 days until they finally check it…

Geez dude, It would be optional

Next, I expect you to say why not have an API port the bug list (xlsx or csv format) to this forum. Users can then click on the link and see what the latest info is

You want WH to behave like a SaaS vendor. Ambitious

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Not necessarily, was more gauging opinion. In an ideal world there were be a lot more information shared on here, what’s being worked on, when it’ll be available, who it’ll be available to etc. etc. right now a lot of information is being spread on Twitter and the Steam forums and for some reason these official forums are being left out.

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I think you underestimate the work that has to be done to add third person view. You have to animate every single movement that henry does. What about picking up items like flowers or something. There would alwas be Henrys head between the camera and the item and you could not focus it. Or what about the sword fights. The “direction star” (don´t know how it´s called) would be totally deplaced somewhere in the screen where it would make no sense. And the bow shooting? How would you do this in third person without an aimpoint? Isn´t it hard enough already. It´s not just a camera angle that has to be adjusted or a consol command. To implement a propper working third person view it would take one year minimum. I think its great that there is no third person because this makes KCD special and outstanding. Because all the other games that KCD gets compared with all have third person (Skyrim/Witcher 3)

Everything TobiStrobi said, and add the fact that third person pov is stupid.

Last week, there was a survey on greatest current concern. Main quest bugs was #1 by a lot. Would then seem to be in WH’s own interest to communicate a little more detail in its own official forum about the scope of main quest bug fixes addressed by this patch (and others going forward)

For the most part it is already in the game (Link removed).

Please do not post links to that person’s video, this is some hack to modify the camera view using memory manipulation with cheat engine or similar (as far as I know).

This person is is trying to charge people money ($20) which is completely unacceptable.

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