Patch 1.4 is LIVE!

Accidently copied folder- dont think so. I never messed around with Kingdom Comes Files. But just to be sure I renamed the folder and just now letting steam check the local files. Seems like this could be a mistake from an older Patch or just a lefover from the Beta release.

Edit: It is done checking now and its now downloading 9,4 GB again. Will update after it is done.

Oh my god my screen is so fucking bright I can barely see what Iā€™m typing. every time I started the game it became brighter. You might be right @nr1predator. They must have been half asleep while uploading this.

I have to restart my computer now because my screen got too bright. I can barely see what Iā€™m doing.

Your Screenshots are not bright tough. Seems it is adjusting your monitors settings.

for me screen only goes bright when i close the game. every time i close the game, i have to restart windows 10 but this happened since the release, nothing new for me with this patch

running on nvidia gtx950m newest driver. everything on low settings /geforce experience optimized

ohā€¦ Now after restarting my PC I can see that. Yes, itā€™s changing the gamma I think. Because also in the game I tried to change the gamma and it wouldnā€™t get any higher, so I think the patch 1.4 increases the gamma of the screen one step every time you start the game.

I wonder if itā€™s a geforce experience related issue? If everyone with the screen brightness issue is on an NVidia card not AMD?

Someone with an AMD card please tell us if you have the same issue (screen getting brighter when you start the game).

Youā€™re saying exactly what Iā€™m saying. IVE had 0 game breaking bugs. It seems like weā€™re the odd ones out. I mean, ive had annoying glitches, but no quest or experience breaking bugs. Iā€™m not crazy! lol But Iā€™ll test 1.4 this weekend. Some real quality time with it.

Oh my god my screen got too fucking bright again. I canā€™t see shit. Is it the same for you?

Since there are a lot of different PC Setups it is not suprising that some of us did not encounter any gamebreaking bugs but i have encountered quite a few. It also depends on how far you push the game to its limits gameplaywise or how you solve certain quests. I for example had and have the bug in the mission where you have to catch the 3 birds. The cage just keeps disapearing. I really like the game too, but you just cant ignore it has some minor issues and that the patches so far have been a bit roughly shaped.

All right Iā€™ll go check for you. I play over steamlink with a gamepad so give me a sec.

Game unplayable for me now. Crashes randomly, crashes when i try to turn in quests. Gets stuck in screen if I try to use the new haircut/beard options at the bath house. Waiting for fix.

Nope no issue here for me. NV 1080. Iā€™m not using any GeForce Experience stuff are you?
I set everything to Very High with max LOD/View distance (though it doesnā€™t seem to save the max LOD/View distance stuff) and the new HD textures.

Invert y-axis camera is still inverting the combat radial as well, which makes absolutely no sense. I own both the ps4 version and PC and the problem is exclusive to PC.

You can control the gamma settings in the Nvidia Control Panel. Go to desktop settings and change it to custom Nvidia settings, set the gamma as you like.

But itā€™s only happening since I installed patch 1.4. Do you have patch 1.4 installed?

I certainly do!

Whatā€™s your frame rate if you start a brand new game? Like skip through real quick to get to do the practice sword fight. With Hi-res textures my frame rate is down from 60 always to about 57 fps. I have no old game to load so I canā€™t compare with a mature save.

How can I enable the new HD texture pack?