Patch 1.4 is LIVE!

In graphic settings, there is now an option for it.

Turn off GeForce Experience and it’s autosettings and see if that fixes your auto brightness issue. I’d bet a Marigold Concoction it does :slight_smile:

whingers and naysayers btfo once again. stellar patch

That doesn’t really help anyone :frowning:
Let’s be civil and nice.

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Its not like the people here are just saying “booh this game sucks!” but rather they are complaining about quite some major bugs that were introduced with 1.4 and most likely wont get fixed over the easter holidays. My bet is they will rollback to 1.3.4 so people can play. I like this game very much and have played many hours allready but the devs need to improve their patch testing and quality managment. If they keep introducing as many bugs with every patch as they did with the last few the game will end up more broken then it was before. This plus the fact that at some point they maybe will need to tell us that we all need to start with a fresh safe because certain bugs cant be fixed in an existing one (wich is already the case as far as i know) will lead to more and more players abandoning the game and never starting it again. Sure there are also those who will wait for lets say a year and then try again but the negative echo rushed patch releases like this is creating after what seems to be an already rushed intial release could be fatal for the trademark Kingdom Come aswell as the studio behind it. They really need to release some good tested Patches so players gain back trust in Kingdom Come and its developers. I understand that they want to fix bugs as fast as posssible so that people can play carefree and stop complaining but patches like this one certainly dont help tbh.

Same here, would be great to hear if should you find a fix

This issue has been present since Day 1. Reset gamma value to default before exiting the game for the first time during your session.

The screen gamma issue has even been there before 1.4. Every time you restarted the game, it turned the sys-gamma higher. i´m running three screens and i noticed it, because the two other screens became brighter. If you´ve got an nvidia-card you can go into settings and change the color settings from other to nvidia again (andere Anwendungen regeln die Farbeinstellungen -> Nvidia). Than the screen-gamma turns normal again.

Always the most important question after any patch: is the normal save mod already up to date? Yes, it is. Thank you EddieShoe and Biosmanager.

Can confirm that -)

for me the problem is different : it takes 24h+ to download such a big amount of datas. I’m fed up with online games which need regular updates, and i took a solo game for that reason… but now thxs to steam, update is on me, can’t play. This game is my best solo game since skyrim, i dont need any update with eggs and textures, I just wanted to play :smiley:
Just to know, in skyrim, you can download texture pack, but if you dont care cause its already ok for you, you have choice.

I have over 200. I am starting new games all the time. Best advice I can give you is to get the mod that removes the intro so you get right into the thick of it.

Seriously you fail quest?

there is a glimmer of hope for you all guys!

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Co jste s tím zase udělali? Načtu si hru a napíše se, že hlavní quest jsem neplnil.

The engine uses 2GB blocks. If they change 1byte in 20 blocks, its not 20byte, but 20GB.

As of 15 minutes ago, Patch 1.4.1 is on the backend of Steam. So, they’ll be testing it, and hopefully will go live this afternoon.

Correction: 1.4.1 is now LIVE on Steam. Notes warn of save corruption on 1.4 saves, and recommend rolling back to a 1.3.4 save.

Just checked and it is still only 14 fps on LOW video settings in a new game. I have lost over 30 fps because of this patch. Note: this is after the 1.4.1 fix patch was installed that the screenshot below was taken. HD textures are definitely off.

No change for me in terms of FPS, but I did not installed HD Texture pack.

Nice, from steam 1.4.1 release notes:
There is a distinct possibility that the save files created with version 1.4 might be corrupted. **We highly recommend going back to your old save files that were created with version 1.3.4 or older.**