Patch 1.5 Feedback Thread

Great, a new patch, let’s see if the bugs that prevent me from starting playing the game since launch have been fixed.

>starts game
>Henry talks to his mother
>both characters are invisible during the dialogue

Well, guess I’ll try again on the next patch.
Hopefully I’ll be able to play this game one day.

Have you tried to submit a formal bug report to the devs thru their reporting system? or just complain on the forum?
They would have you submit save files, description and prolly your Dx diag file.

If this were happening to all of us, there would be tons of people already saying the same, but it’s not the case…

Make a clean install of full 1.5 game installation. If this happens again, you should report it to Warhorse in detail, providing the save game, your PC specifications, etc etc. If you’re not willing to do that, why bother?


just to make sure also delete all old saves. ( possibly corrupted)
A P.I.A yes but might do the trick between a new install and this.

I tried updating my graphic driver and started a new save. The bug seem to have disappeared, but speech sync during dialogues is still all over the place, as it’s been since launch (playing in french). Guess I’ll have to play in english.

After playing all day, I can definitely see a difference in pop ins and draw distance. I see more on my screen now, and the performance even feels a lot smoother. My game looks a lot better. This patch was most excellent for me. I haven 't run into any bugs, as far as I can tell.

I’m on the PS4, btw.


Nice! I can now ride through rough thickets and shrubs without being thrown off my horse or getting stuck.

Thanks again for another patch :grinning:

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Graphics seem better overall (vanilla PS4) but Rattay race^ still produces pop-in issues such as some villagers missing their heads, non-reconciled layers of clothing, and the upper castle drawbridges and building textures not fully rendering

^ - Rattay race: canter/gallop from bottom of hill leading into lower castle and then traveling through town and exiting Rattay via upper castle drawbridge

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God, i hate Valve and his crap Steam.
I am not willing to verify the integrity of files again. Bastard Client! 680

@rataj Care to share more detail?

Every time i check the integrity of files i need to redownload 1-8 corrupted files.
After this download i check the integrity of the files again and now 2-4 files are corrupted.
Than, another check of the integrity of the files, and one file is again damaged.
And today, i read the news about 1.5 and started steam.
What did it do ?! Right, nothing! So again, a check on the integrity of files! Yeah maybe with the next patch. How am i going to archive all the patches if this noob system is constantly going crazy! aq

EDIT: And again a +200 more bug fixing entry.
Why are you not able to list what you did or what the problem was after you solve one bug?

Really? Don’t you expect bad performance on i7 3770k? Never understood that ppl with their: I’ve got Framework + x128 SLI Tesla and got stable 60 fps.

On (my) P4 so far


  • Way Better Performance. No stuttering or anything like that. Controls are more smooth.
  • Less late texture pop ups, or not fully rendered textures (but still i recognized some, but so much better than pre 1.5)
  • Overall graphics seem to look better. More detailed. Better lighting and shadows.


  • The quest where you have to catch 3 Birds is gone out of my log. Cages have vanished from my invetory as well. I guess i have to trigger the whole quest again.
  • No change on the pixelated rain (but i if i recall that correctly, this will be adressed within the next patch)

Anyway, good job on this one, WH! :+1:

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This was mentioned in the patchnotes, maybe you should read them:
• Cages in quest “A Bird in the Hand…” should no longer disappear. Any players with the quest in progress will have the quest reset.


Sorry, weaker hardware gets to its limits here, if you race through a crowded place like Rattay or Sasau city as fast as possible with your horse. We try to optmizie the game to push its bounderies as far as possible, but this is a compromise we had to do, to be able to have bigger cities in the game from a technical perspective.

The solution would be to dump down grapics and A.I. a lot, don´t have bigger cities in the game, don´t offer KCD for consoles or mediocre computers, or accept, that there are cases possible in which pop-ins do occur.
Racing with your horse through Rattay as fast as possible is such a case.
It is possible for the player to do that, but there is no reason to do so, other than to show that the game does have its technical limitations.
Yes, we still try, to bush the borders, and to reduce the pop-ins and make the game as stable and fluent as possible, but there will always be technical limitations.


Is there any update on the sudden drop in rep in some towns when there appeared to be no reason for it?

I don´t know, maybe you have done something which they don´t like? But you can pay for absolution in churches now to recover your reputation.

As attachment to my last post,
I got the information that the High / Ultra Grass bug has been fixed! A+ ay


Thanks for the 1.5 patch! The game is going in the right direction patch after patch, but I hope there’s still more planned optimisation, balancing enhancement (e.g. you still need around 10-12 hunting arrows to get killed while naked, it’s not credible) and AI improvements (e.g. AI ambushes are like blind/deaf until they start attacking; AI stops attacking you after a short time and you can easily take advantange of it, which could be easily fixed by increasing CombatAutoMinHuntAttackDuration and CombatAutoMaxHuntAttackDuration (credits to SplitSission) but it’s still not in 1.5 patch).

I’m curious, what do you consider mediocre computers? Is i7 6700HQ 16 GB RAM nVIDIA 970M 3GB a mediocre one? Because i’m still getting quite a lot of stuttering/lag in the first big battle (almost constant drops to 20FPS, despite I play it on medium while using Vsync 30Hz for smoother playability (mostly great performance reaching 45-60FPS except horse running in big cities, but prefer a fluid experience) and it’s still not very enjoyable. I know gaming laptops are not the best, but it’s not as old to suffer this performance huge drops, as far as I’m concerned. I have tried to downgrade resolution, graphics and all but there are still these huge drops in these circumstances, which is either it’s still not well optimised/too demanding for the engine, or you need very high end computers to run these big battles fluently.

Thank you very much for your patching work, Warhorse! Keep it up, don’t let us behind :smiley:


Kind of, yes. It should run fluently most of the time, but there can be moments when FPS drops. Like moving fast in big cities, or big battles. But we were working on this cases, to make them more fluently.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a very demanding game, and you can step into moments when your system is pushed to its limits, especially if you do it on purpose, like racing with your horse through Rattay. Nevertheless, you should be able to play the game without bigger issues.