Pestilence / Questions and Answers - Cutscene Crash to Desktop after 1.4.1

This worked for me without any editing and problems too. Thank you!

OK, so I tried Raizingher’s solution, but the game crashes while “waiting for the situation to clear” (both during time skip (waiting) or while wandering around; at the specific time, the game just CTDs). Seems like this bug is a really, really bad one.

-If you got HD textures on close ıt.
-Lower your Res ıf your using higher then 1080p.
-Make sure you restart the game after changıng those settings.
-After gıvıng cure to everyone and steal the letter from bandıt, go to sasasu tavern and waıt there for 24 hours.

This should fix your problem.

Well thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately this did not fix it for me, first i switched hd off then lowered resolution, turned the game off and on again and tried

a)going to sassau and wait a day, game crashed
b) went to ledechko and back, spoke to bandit like half an hour before the crash and the game still crashed…

I hope it gets fixed soon, i love this game, but i could not play it since monday because of this bug and it starts to lower my immersion in the game world… such a shame

Hi thanks for posting this. I have the same problem and it is the first crash I have experienced in the game. I tried updating drivers, lowering all graphic settings to the lowest setting and the game crashes after I talk with the Bandit. I am not really sure I want to continue playing until this is fixed just in case it never does get fixed and I invest even more time in. I love the game so far, one of my favorites. I felt the need to reply to this post only to show that it seems like this is a big problem.

Thank you a thousand times and Jesus Christ be Praised! In the end, it miraculously worked, but only when I waited in the tavern in Sasau city. This bug is insane, I don’t get it at all. Hope Warhorse guys are reading this and will soon hotfix the issue.

So, to reiterate, I’ll describe my full procedure (based on Raizingher’s post and Phenom’s advice):

  • Go to Merhojed, start the pestilence quest. Talk with Melichar (the provisional “bailiff”) and other villagers to find out what’s happening.
  • Don’t enter Straw’s house, just talk with other people (if you enter the house, the game will try to load a cutscene and crash to desktop). Listen to the description of the symptoms.
  • You can help Bedriska bury her dead husband and write the will for another of the villagers; you can also talk to your injured friend who’s lying down in the stables.
  • Go to the Sasau monastery, Talk with brother Nicodemus, identify pestilence based on the symptoms described, prepare the remedy using the alchemy table
  • Go back to Merhojed, talk to Nicodemus
  • Cure ill people: the ill woman next to Nicodemus, Bedriska, the insane guy in the trader’s house (you might have to break in with a lockpick), the villager whom you helped write the will (quest should update without talking to Straw an giving remedy only to other people). When you get all the people, the quest will update.
  • Talk to Melichar, tell him that you cured everyone, but it will take some time to see if the remedy works. He will let you see the prisoner now.
  • Go into the barn and STEAL the letter from the unconscious prisoner (you might need to knock him out first; be careful about being seen, I had to run from the guards)
  • turn down your graphics settings/unload HD textures (maybe sounds as well? You have to disable the DLC via Steam)
  • Travel to Sasau, go to tavern (not the lodgings! The tavern near the town square)
  • WAIT 24 HOURS (shouldn’t CTD). The quest should update.
  • Talk to Melichar, ask if everyone is ok. This should conclude the Pestilence quest line and complete the quest.
  • Go to the barn, cure the prisoner, wait a while, then interrogate him.
  • Then lynch cutscene should start without CTD. From there on, you can turn your graphics settings and everything back to normal and continue the game.

Ufff. This was pretty difficult.


I followed all of the advice people have posted, no luck. Got rid of HD textures, the sound packs, went to 1080p, tried just waiting in Sasau (hell, I even went down to Rattay), traveling, pickpocketing the note from the bandit or leaving it, nothing works. It just crashes after 24 hours no matter what I do.

Did you wait in the tavern as I wrote? This did the trick for me. Waiting in my room in the lodgings near the monastery did not work, the game crashed. Only in the city tavern in Sasau, the game just continued and I could complete the quest.

I did just about everything under the sun. I just did it again, put the game in 720p this time, pickpocketed the bandit before going to see Nicodemus. I had to knock out the guard to do it, which somehow gave me a bounty. I talked to Nicodemus, gave him the cure, and then when I went to talk to Melichar, he went hostile because of the bounty. I surrendered and went to jail. The sentence was 10 days. After 24 hours, the game crashed. I never even got to the point where the quest tells you to “wait and see what happens” and it crashed anyway. It’s completely fucked. There’s nothing I can do but wait.

You were not in the tavern. Reload an earlier save and follow the exact procedure I summarised above and see what happens. I did NOT have to break into the barn; it was opened for me by Melichar when I informed him his people received the cure. Just try doing exactly what I described; that did the job for me (since then, I’ve had no crashes, Jesus Christ be praised).

The tavern isn’t some magical place. I was in Sasau three different times when the game crashed. I was in the monastery just running around one time, in the square talking to traders another time, and the third time guess where I was? Waiting on a bench at the inn. None of them worked. And like I said, I experimented with pickpocketing the bandit. Only this most recent time did I pickpocket him before talking to Nicodemus. Every other time (which includes the three times in Sasau, as well as a couple others) I brought the cure and Melichar opened the doors. Just because you had success does not mean that everyone else will.

I don’t think the tavern in Sasau is some magical place either, but I do believe that it can help with this one particular crash - at least for some people. The mechanism of action, as I understand it, is that the tavern is situated exactly the right distance from various things so that the buggy elements are not in memory at the time. There are likely to be other “magical places” like this, but since we can’t be sure what game elements (or what combination) crash the game at this point, it’s hard to predict them and we have to go by trial and error.

Either way, I’ve decided to save myself the hassle and just wait for a fix. But good luck to everyone!

I am not saying it’s magical, I was just making sure you tried what I did. Well, seems like you’re out of luck then.

worked perfectly for me! Ty!

worked for me but:

  • i did not disable the DLC
  • i delete all my mod folder, .cfg file and all files start with zzz wich are other mods but in DATA folder
  • i change my language to english
  • i lower my graphic setings to lowest and change resolution to lowest with window mode
  • i travel to Sasau square i save my game but it crash just before it hits 24h so from sasau i travel to vranik(fast travel point) i wait ther 24h and it work for me

Sry but i dont really understand, when i open Scripts.pak i dont understand anything there is only jibberish.

You need to open it with a file archiver (Winrar / 7zip). Then inside you will see xml files.

Tbh everyone you can fix this quest one way or another but if you ask me just wait for a patch to fix this. Because after this quest nearly almost all quests have stupid bugs that kills the gameplay. Everytime you end up with choosing a different way to finish a quest or load the game back to fix some issues. They are not crashing but its enough to annoy you as hell…

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So, I just registered to say that I’m one more guy who has the same problem with the cutscenes.
@wierzba25 ‘fix’ seems to be making the job done but who knows what it can screw later.
@Phenom and @Raizingher are more tricky and it sounds more ‘healthy’ (?) for the future saves but it’s tricky to pull it off in right way.
In conclusion, as Phenom suggested, I will just wait for the patch. hopefully, it will be soon enough so my hype about the game won’t fall down. Warhorse seems to be aware of the bug so I’m pretty optimistic, about this one and future ones.

They released a statement that implies a patch this coming Monday or thereabout. :slight_smile:

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