Play time Vs. game time for Merhojed horse respawn?

After successfully completing the quest “Pestillence” and saving all the Merhojed villagers, I have been told the horses should respawn and you should be able to purchase them again from the stable master. I have heard around 7 days is the usual time this takes. Is this actual game-play time? Because I played several day-night cycles as usual, then got impatient, punched a guard, and spent 10 days in jail, and the Merhojed horses STILL have not returned. I patched to 1.4.1 from 1.3 after curing the villagers, but before returning to finalize the quest after things “cleared up”. Could it be that my old save from a previous version was already “broken”, and that is why the horses aren’t respawning, or do I need to spend more real-time playing instead of sleeping/waiting?

There is NO respawn.

Well, if that’s true…removing half of all unique buyable horses in the entire game very early on in the main quest with no warning whatsoever is…well, frankly stupid. Why didn’t they just put another generic stable in another town to get wiped out as part of the main story? Instead, nope if it’s your first playthrough you will surely complete this quest before you even know this stable exists, let alone can afford the horses they have. AND it fucks up the miller’s quest where you are supposed to steal a horse from the stables, permanently borking it and locking you out of at least two quests for Woyzeck. I just don’t get it. A lot of this game is amazing, but a lot of it is so broken even this long after release.


I thought they came back once you move on in the main quest. As until you catch the counter-fitters the game world would stay in the state it was at the end of Pestilence.

I have heard a lot of conflicting things about whether the horses respawn or not. I wonder if the information is so incomplete because the kind of gamers who want to find every little hidden thing and then share the information get frustrated and end up quitting, not knowing if they are experiencing bugs or not, and not wanting to re-do many days worth of gameplay, especially considering how this game’s save system works? If I have to re-do a week’s worth of progress just to test this…I would be pretty irritated. I suppose I could power through the main quest to test whether what you think is how it works. I guess someone has to do it before a definitive answer is found.

The mission and its timing consequences seem poorly thought out.
I had prior knowledge from “lets play” on you tube and console commands and made sure I found the farm, did the quests & got my bought horse( ignored pebbles)early as possible ( not necessarily in that order.).
This play thru I picked Roach and sup’ed him up with a mod.

It would make a nice side quest to help out and get a discount toward a new horse.

The horses respawn when you have a succesfull ending to pestilence and continue the main Quest up until All thst glisters

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I will hafta check that out as I am at that point this time around.
I did see a couple of npc type horses way out in the farthest grange of the place or was that Neuhoff…

Yeah, I don’t remember how long it was, seemed like a couple of real world weeks for me (playing a couple of hours a night), but I can confirm they do respawn as I was waiting to get Warhorse Jedda (sp?) and now I finally have him(her?). And believe me I would stop and check every time I was near Merhojed. Xbox One.

I have finished the Mainquestline (and the Game) in 1.4.2 and there was no Respawn. Perhaps i want wait ingame months and years for test it out.

I went ahead and played on up until the end of “all that glisters” and I got a new main quest. Upon returning to Merhojed and talking to the stablemaster, I was given the dialogue option to ask about buying a horse, which I hadn’t had previously, but there were no horses in the stable, and when trying to go ahead and buy a horse from the stable master Henry just says “Hmmm…I’ll have to think about it”, and the dialogue ends. It would seem to me that if you do not finish the Pestilence quest until after you have finished “Questions and Answers” (I turned in that quest before going back and finishing Pestilence), something gets messed up. At least in 1.3, because this is the exact point at which I updated to 1.4.1. Sigh looks like I’m going to have to start over if I ever want the Merjojed stables to work OR be able to finish the Thick as Thieves quest that requires you steal a horse from there for one of the millers…

So, I should probably get a Merhojed horse before I complete that quest?

couldn’t hurt.
I did
I got Roach then used a mod to get super Roach.
And stole the hose for the miller.

So do they respawn ? God I hope they do, I fucking hate shit like this in games, such stupid design choice if they don’t.