Ended up with having to sneak into the woods to observe the 3 women. Got to the part where you end up fighting two bandits. Killed the bandits, saved all 3 women. Went to pastor and he chastised me for killing the men. Fine… totally cool with this. However, I want to save the 3 witchcraft practicing women as well as not kill the men…
So, reloaded a save that is right when the women think Lucifer is in the woods coming to greet them. I go through the same procedure, offer to have sex with the Mare… 2 bandits show…
No matter WHAT I do… how I choose to keep the men alive, the quest won’t move on, if you just knock out the men. At least one of them will continue to run back and forth into the affected area, and the quest won’t progress to the time advance… If I go into the woods to start the time advance, the women show up dead and no Bandits present. There’s something wrong with the fact that the Bandits, even though you knock them unconscious, or made them run away, they still come back to kill the women…
Either that possibility of a quest branch doesn’t exist, or it’s broken and too difficult to achieve… this should be offered as a choice as well. Feeling a little shoe-horned…