Please help me avoid wasting more time!

This game seems to be going for realism, and I’m totally cool with that. However, there’s one issue that has me avoiding this game like nothing else in my library. And that’s wasted time. If I could get back all the time I’ve spent doing missions, only to get cued into a battle with 10% health after the game chooses a terrible save point.

Example. During “Baptism Of Fire” you engage in a 20 minute melee only for the game to unexpectedly save right before the last part of the quest. If I load the game up right now, it’s going to start me with about 10% health, engaged in a sword fight with the bandit commander in the steeple. I can’t hide in a corner and drink a potion. I basically have to re-start the entire 20 minute battle and make sure I have enough health before the steeple fight, because there’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to defeat this guy with 10 health. Please tell me there’s something I can do besides playing over parts of the battle again? Even if I die it just re-loads me back in the steeple with 10 health. So dumb.

Also, why is sword fighting so difficult? I’ve done the training probably a dozen times, and the trainer continue’s to praise me for doing so well. However, while actually sword fighting, opponents are either extremely easy, or extremely hard. There’s no harmonious center. I’m either getting destroyed, or walking over enemies like I’m god. I had to research on my own how this on-screen display function works with sword fighting. The actual tutorial and training doesn’t explain it properly, and even then, I don’t think it actually works consistently. This is annoying because i know my character is just magically going to become proficient with a sword after I spend more time blindly swinging the thing. In other words, the game is going to make my character sword fight better in time, even though I wont be doing anything different than I am now. (bad mechanic).


Sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time with portions of the game. There is no simple fix, you need to level up on experience when it comes to sword fighting, otherwise the game loses much of what I like about the game. As to health, it is recommended that you watch your health constantly, and yes it will bite you in the ass if you let it fall to much. The game is not perfect but it does balance realism with playability (IMHO). Level up and you will find some fights are easy while others are tough.


That is very unfortunate. I’ve basically stopped playing the game on Baptism Of Fire because I’m never going to get this wasted time back. I have NO IDEA what rank my skills should be before I start quests. I have no idea what quests are going to be hard before I start them. I have no idea which skills are going to be needed for quests. All in all , I end up wasting hours of my life on this game and I can’t say I’m looking forward to more of it. I already started Baptism Of Fire over 4 different times from the beginning because I didn’t know I needed like 50 arrows. I don’t understand how this is realism when I’m literally playing the same quest over from the start 6 times because I have to learn the damn quest as I go. Or the game delivers a 5 minute cut scene full of useless information instead of presenting some useful information I can use going into the quest.

It’s not learning or exploring that I have a problem with. My problem is playing the same quest over 9 times because I have to learn what’s needed to complete the quest by playing it and failing. That is also a bad mechanic. Lots of rookie game design. That’s not realism. It’s not realistic to do the same quest over 9 times because there was no other way to acquire the information needed to complete it.

Never let your Stamina drop low: no/low stam. = health loss back off and get it back.
Don’t stand still and slug it out…move around to not get flanked!
Be at least lvl 12 for the fight )the runt fight).
Get the best armor ( 25 plate,23 arms and legs, 17 chainmail Kettle helm ( for good view over protection)).
Use ceremonial mace or Bailiff mace with a shield on armored foe (very good with high strength).
Use poison like dollmaker on your weapons. Use Lazarus potion and rage potions on yourself just before combat.
Combos can’t be done with a long sword and shield, use a noble sword ( a short sword).
Sounds weird and cruel but punch out cows to get strength up.
Get your bow skill up high by doing contests at the Ushitz range at or below your skill to level up ( and get coin :wink:) . Use only better piercing arrows in combat and a yew (77) or cuman (74) bow.
Get the perks that help your weapons and armor.
Just before you confront Runt there is about a 7 second pause with no crossed gold sword. Quick hit inventory and potion up!

an aside: if on PC recommend Pro Bain poison mod and Robin hood mod for stam. regen and losing the bow shake. Capon’s hunting bow mod.


How am I supposed to know this stuff going in? How am I supposed to know which types of armor and strength, and what types of swords do which abilities , etc? Also, things can change rapidly. My healthy can go from 100% to 20% in literally seconds. And if there are other people near me, I can’t regenerate. That’s how I got stuck where I’m at now. I took a blow from an arrow 1 second before the game rushed me into the steeple cutscene and now I have no health. What am I supposed to do? Play it over again? LOL If that’s the case I’m just going to give the game a bad review and consider the 50 dollars wasted because this is every quest. I DONT KNOW WHERE TO FIND THIS INFO. Who tells me what type of armor I need? Who tells me what rank my skills should be before I start the quest???

When I go through this forums, it just seems like the people who already played the quests are teaching everybody else how to complete them. Why doesn’t the game teach people how to complete them? Am I supposed to just carry around the heaviest armor, 500 arrows, and every different type of melee weapon at the same time just in case I end up in some quest that needs some weird skill or ability to complete it? I’m tired of learning some tiny little tidbit of information at the 11th hour and having to restart the entire quest over again.

I’ve probably spent 8 hours straight training with bows and doing competitions, and I win them all on the hardest , and I’m still only like level 11 or something. If you’re telling me I need to be level 72 with the bow, that’s going to take me 1000 hours or something. That would be like an archery simulator.


Well, I just gave some to you.
I got mine from knowing about maces from history that I learned from shows on medieval weapons and armor which also an be researched. Look at the lets plays on you tube , our forums here. note what works or not when play. I did.
The game does not hold your hand and lists every good thing to do. If something in the game doesn’t seem to work well, research it. take an active role in learning the stuff behind the game play. The how’s and whys of the history in the game.
KCD isn’t a Witcher 3 hack and slash type of game . A game where you learn about history and arms. and their use in the past and how to do well ( high stam= life, good armor= longer living, etc.)


I prefer games that don’t hold your hand. But this is different. Every time I learn something about this game I end up throwing my arms in the air and saying “are you f’ing kidding me???” Because it’s always something stupid, or some weird random bit of information I wish I had going in. It’s never anything challenging or difficult to execute as a player. It’s just nonsense. Thanks anyways. I can tell just by the responses I’m getting this is more or less just how the game is. Seriously thanks for the reply, I’m not being sarcastic. I’m just angry because this game was expensive.

I said it once before, and I’ll say it again. Warhorse should have just written a book.

There’s no way I’m starting that quest over again, because I know for a fact I’m going to get further to the end, and then learn about something else I need to complete it, and I’ll probably have to start it over yet again. This is how all the longer quests go. I don’t like asking people for this information, I want to do it on my own. But at this rate, why bother.

You are supposed to playing a 17 year ( approx.) nobody Blacksmiths son with no fighting skills thrust into a civil war. So Ya you start out as crap. It is historical. To me right away That says look up stuff and not grab a weapon and hack away as an all mighty hero.
this is a game made for hard core RPG people who get into the game at all levels: play, history, how to and more and enjoy doing so. I like reading tips on the forums, like I did not know about setting the pile of hay at the ramp on fire to drive the cuman archers off their perch and melee. Combo don’t work with long swords and shield. I watched ESO’s play thru before I got the game on you tube.
I find all that you complain to be educational and fun to learn. Also since I am on PC ,the mods for fun too. I can’t say about consoles ( never would have bought for my XB1).

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The game is supposed to provide you with the information you need to complete it. If the game requires you to do historical research and buy history text books, it needs to be on the prerequisite , or requirements for the game. It’s very cool that you’re into history. I like history myself. Personally I know more about American history, so my wheelhouse is 18th century forward. However, I do know about earlier civilizations and older history, I just don’t particularly know about 14th century Europe history. And I don’t believe you should be required to study it to complete this game. It would be a hell of a lot easier if the quest started with a friend who said, YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU MIGHT WANT TO BRING A LONG SWORD AND MAKE SURE YOU’RE WEARING GOOD ARMOR. And then I can do that before I waste 45 minutes learning the hard way. It’s not very satisfying to complete quests when the only reason I was failing them in the first place is because I didn’t know some random fact before I started it.

It does not but does not hurt. But it is a game where using you head on things in game and IRL helps. >>> hard core RPG.<<< The nerdy gamer type like me.
MY knowledge of this era of Europe is hardly more than yours but as you said I am into learning about history, before even knowing about this game. I’ve watched you tube vids on the era , for my own benefit which happen to mesh with the game.
I’ve done hack and slash. I’ve played all 3 witchers, I played D&D for many years.
I like the difference here. Not to sound snarky. If the game seems too intricate and bothersome why are you still playing?

I’m still playing because I keep waiting for something good to happen. It seems my idea of challenging is much different from others. For instance, In sim racing, there’s no random piece of information you can give me that’s going to help me to the leader boards. You can’t tell me what tires to use and how much pressure is needed to win. There’s an actual skill required to be the best, and tire’s and pressure are only going to help, not be the deciding factor. Just like FPS gaming. There’s no gun or armor you can tell me to use in Battlefield 1 that’s going to win firefights for me.

In this game it’s quite the opposite. Knowing which armor to use, or how many arrow’s I need in my bag is PRECISELY what’s required to win. There’s no skill required. The only thing KCD seems to be challenging is my patience. As soon as I know I need 40 arrows to complete the quest, I win. As soon as I know I need to bring a special potion , I win. <~ This is a new type of challenge for me. I’ve never played a game where the difference between winning and losing is a matter of whether or not I knew what to bring with me in a game that limits my cargo.

I was looking for a challenge in the traditional sense. I didn’t even know you could sell a game like this to people and not get backlash for it. Instead you guys seem to enjoy it. I’m baffled.

The only reason I’ve ever failed a quest in this game was because I didn’t know what or how many to bring of a certain object. Once I know what to bring, i can hand it off to my 7 year old son.

No, it is not like this. I did not have best armor, did not use potions, and have beaten Runt on the second or third try. With normal equipment. It is A LOT about skill - with a good skill, you will beat Runt almost without being hit. longshot300mag only tried to make it easier for you.


Well for me it is. The only reason I’ve ever died in a quest was whether or not I had a potion on me, or didn’t bring enough arrow’s etc. Once I start over and bring the right items, I can do it easily. I promise you. I just don’t know where to find this information before I start the quest. If I knew that, I’d be done with the game already.

Also, when you say “skill” , again in this game it’s not the same. In this game “skill” is just a matter of how long you’ve spent clicking keys. The difference between my archery when I started, and 10 levels later, was nothing more than clicking the mouse button a bunch of times. I’m not doing anything differently than I was when I started, but my skill is 10 levels higher. It’s just busy work.

details of driving a car or using a machinegun in those games and their use can and probably are in consequential. In a non fictional medieval game like kcd knowing details matters as much as in IRL as in the game. Which armor matters, what weapon worked best against what armor and how to use it matters in game as much in the IRL past considering combat was face to face and any advantage was needed even if in “dirty fighting” Corpse’s don’t walk away after a fight… We nerdy RPG players know and enjoy these details

I’m not arguing with you about this. However, the game is supposed to provide this information. I shouldn’t be required to do third party research to play a game. End of story. Or if I am, it needs to be on the box, or in the requirements. You keep telling me about research, and then when I hold your feet to the fire about research, you backpedal and tell me it’s not required. If it’s not required stop bringing it up.

Then you can do two things. Either take longshot300mag’s advice and make the battle easier for you, or repeat battle 30 times and build some fighting skill for you as a player. Also don’t forget that pre-Runt battle can be won (or lost) tactically. If you take care about who to fight and when to disengage and flee, you will go againt Runt with health almost full. Also with a bit of luck, of course.

I have no idea who RUNT is. I’m playing Baptism Of Fire, and I’m fighting the bandit commander. I’ve never came across anybody named RUNT. The battles that led up to this sword fight happened almost exclusively with the army I brought with me. I barley did anything. The game just played itself for the most part. Basically I’m stuck at 10% health on a save because the game saved right after I took an arrow and rushed me into a cut scene. Now I’m going to replay the mission, and I’m just going to avoid everybody until it rushes me into the cutscene so I have full health. HOW IS THAT CHALLENGING? This is insanely stupid.

This game started as a kick starter project and people who started it and those followed it thru its path to market were the informed ones who knew and were the market for it & did not need “the instructions on the box”. they watched/read all the stuff on it over the years.
The game does try to teach you and hint about how to play the game. Although It seems not enough for the casual player liking ( secondary market).