That’s it. I am done. You guys are the worst I have ever personally interacted with when it comes to elitist “hardcore” Gamer and Fans.
Why is it so painful for all of you to accept that not everyone has the time and luxury of being able to play to all end? Will such an option hurt you? Cause you pain? Will the simple existance of such an option, one you don’t have to take, take away all your enjoyment of the game? How? Why?
Look at you. It’s about the Option, option, OOOOOPPPTION for those of us who love the game but have trouble when it comes to quickly quitting the game but no way to save the game, and you all act as if I am about to take away the game from you.
I don’t get it. I simply don’t get the pain and trouble it would cause you if an option like that would be added. Not taking away anything for you, simply the option. No more, no less. Nothing more. Just an option you choose at the beginning of the game that when you end the game, it saves, and when you start the game, that save will be deleted.
My personal problem is, that my wife is working at a senior center. So she often has late night shifts. So I am alone at home with my daughter a lot at night. Because of work and family, I only have time to play from around 10 - 12 pm. So when I start playing at 10, and around 10:30 I am in the middle of a quest without schnapps for whatever reason, and my child starts crying (she often does, light sleeper), often until way after midnight, once she has calmed down, I have to go sleep to get some at least some sleep before I have to go to work, mostly around 6-7 am. And I know I am not the only one in such a situation.
Guys, I am not even saying they HAVE to add the option. I am simply arguing that it would for many be a godsend if they would add that option. It wouldn’t cause you any trouble, the dev any trouble (since adding such a save system as I describes above isn’t that hard), and would improve the enjoyment of many people. That’s why I simply don’t understand THIS kind of resistance against even saying this might be a good idea. An option you don’t have to take.
Again, can anyone explain to me why it would be so horrible for the devs to add an option you can choose at the beginning?