Polearm Litter

Has anyone noticed the quantity of discarded polearms that seem to collect at the the lower gateway into Rattay :slight_smile::laughing:

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never noticed pole arm clutter but ever since I became Talmber Huntsman and started hunting behind the cottage I notice animals I kill don’t despawn…it is literally a matter of time until the forest is full of dead carcasses…I’m pretty stoked.

I keep running past the same dead deer every time I leave to hunt

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Yeah me and a friend who play have been noting where we find them. First just the gate-bridges, then on the catwalks, then in the dirt in random place, and now even on the ground in Sasau. At one point he found a bunch standing up, blocking a doorway.

I think there’s just some glitch with how polearms currently work - if the guards switch weapons or pull out a torch, they drop them just as the player would.

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The real problem is that you can’t sell them.:money_mouth_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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you maaaay be able to, but probably not.

One time I crouched, picked up a pole, I did not see I had a pole so I picked up another one and the original one went into my inventory. I did it a few times to make sure it worked, but this was pre all the patches I’m pretty sure…gonna go try it again, if you want to try it and let me know.

I’m on Xbox one. Was gonna try that and try to put it in my horse/mount my horse since it was allowing other things that we aren’t supposed to do lol

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Not just there… battle spawn points, etc. NPCs drop polearms and they don’t appear to despawn… or the delay is really long

The Rattay-Vranik loop looks trashy as heck because of all the polearms. All the weapons of dead NPCs do this. And as Tsuhan said above, you can’t sell them so the financial incentive to clean up is lacking

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Sorry for the poor quality

Xbox One v1.3

Please watch and like on YouTube and not just here lol

Problem is you have to switch between crouching and standing so the guards don’t get pissed you’re doing one or the other…

Update: on Xbox One if you hit dpad left you can drop the pole you’re carrying and switch to your main weapon, then dpad left unequip that and you’ll be weapon free with the other poles in your inventory

Use stealth to pick it up!! NICE !! (PC)

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Halberd sell for 1k a piece yo

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So much 1k…lol
(But all can not be sold)

Bad news

They’re glitches into your inventory…when I go to sell to Peshek they don’t even show up but they do if I check my inventory…bogus

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Nice collection. Enough to battle an army of enemy NPCs. If only a DLC would roll out to enable us to have us vs them battles and that DLC would enable us to arm the NPC combatants :pray: in the event that that prayer could get answered, I’ve got over 600k set aside (to buy gear for combatants)

imo the game needs something like that . Id like to see a spot maybe like an abondened fort or something where lots bandits will always be found . id like them to always be there or reset like every 3 days or something. a place dedicated to combat would be great, something besides fast traveling as an example ill say in other mmos u can go do a dungeon or something like that . id like to see kdc have 1 spot like that. i think if a say dungeon everyone will disagree, but call it what u like.
in really big combat situations i noticed not many people at all or none of them had pole arms. on top of that i noticed no1 who uses pole arms are at the front using there reach advantage. in battles id like to see guys with polearms at the front and guys with short weapons behind them.swisspikemen91