Poll: Styles for Kingdom Come Deliverance cover art

Vybral som číslo 5 (i keď mám výhrady k tej postave, graficky sa tam nehodí), pretože si myslím, že tie dobové kresby v pozadí sú unikátne. Tieto kresby používate aj na hernej mape a neviem o žiadnej hre, kde by boli použité, je to proste nádhera. Ostatné návrhy mi prídu gýčové a už 1000-krát otrepané. Ja sosobne by som na obal navrhoval možno niečo v štýle stredovekých bojových scén, krásne a bohato sú ilustrované takisto Biblie z tej doby. Kebyže uvidím, a myslím, že by som nebol jediný, v obchode niečo takéto, a vo svete hier originálneho, tak hru by som kúpil už len kvôli obalu, ktorý by na míle vytŕčal z davu. Bola by to obrovská škoda nevyužiť to, keď už sa zameriavate na autenticitu !!!

Vhodnou kombináciou napr. týchto:

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I think no. 5 is the more correct one. It matches with the image of the game already created in our minds. It’s a matter of marketing. The other ones are great artistic creations, but I would use them for posters and artworks, never for the cover of the final game. I would include the logo of the game though; just the title of the game seems a bit simplistic to me.

Those that look at one of the others will see it’s “just” some dude in armor with a sword. Adding “Just” doesn’t invalidate something. I had no issue instantly seeing that’s a medieval war torn landscape, based on the fire, horse, and the armored person carrying a banner. These things make it obvious and clear. If you coudln’t tell, that’s just a personal issue.

And if they feel there is an issue like this, it can simply be edited, make the logo smaller, the horse, castle, etc bigger. It can be different but still of that basic design.

Personally #4 and #6. 6 cause its simple and nice to look at (plus ITS A SALLET! WOOOOOTTT!!!), 4 cause its so interesting and there’s a lot to keep your eyes looking at. It doesn’t pull you all over the place, but rather where your eyes land there’s something there for you to look at. As well, it shows Henry being important while below everyone else simply does what is ordered.

Although again, exactly why do you have a half sallet visor in a game set in 1403? Those aren’t made till around two decades later. Though hey, I really shouldn’t complain about my favorite helmet being a few decades earlier than it’s supposed to be in the game. :laughing:

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I dig #1 :smiley:

Problem with these is that lot of people will look at it and say “oh, interactive history class, pass” :smiley:


Number 5 - because it’s the only one that immediately evoke the story it supposed to tell - a poor blacksmith son making the history
Number 1 - that’s assasin creed/prototype game
Number 2,3 - I don’t even know what to say. A wierd mixture of clashing themes with a guy looking sideways. probably some kind of asshole.
Number 4 - that a movie poster, right?! joanne of arc but the male - for gender mainstreaming
Number 6 - eh? it does look like a knight. but what of it?

Please, cancle this poll. 5th artwork, really? If you want 5th artwork, so make it original, not that ugly photoshop.

These are not finished products by far.

I think that 5 is the best. Mostly because of its artistic background. It combines elements of romanesque (the portal, behid Henry, and no… its not an actuall portal, medieval gate in a Church,) as well as those medieval styled paintings of Jesus on one side, and wariors on other. Showing the structure of medieval world run by wariors and priests. So please keep this in mind when making the final version.

Hi @ProkyBrambora,
just a question, are these two actual covers (e.g. reserved for limited editions) or just placeholders that won’t be used at all? Thanks in advance.

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These “placeholders” looks perfect for me.


Those really are just placeholders

5 all the way for me! It has everything the game stands for, alluding to realism but doesn’t feel like a boring history lecture at the same time. It also contains combat elements and it really looks like it would stand out. The others look a bit too much like a medieval warfare simulator, while the game is certainly more than that.

In order of preference:
6) Very stylish. What is this knight thinking about? Why is he so bloody and serious? What is going on?
Love this one. Text could be more visible though.

  1. Looks modern and composition/color is very good. If I’m at store looking for medieval game, most visible of six. There’s a good reason Assassin’s Creed has similar covers - they work.
  2. Broadcasts an epic story. Like a cover of a thick, good novel about old times. Color feels too washed out, though.
    2 and 4) Lacks style somewhat. I don’t like how Henry looks. Too much going on if you don’t know what you’re looking at. Would work better for a sequel, where buyer already knows the cast and story.
  3. Colors are good, but feels depressive rather than intriguing. Also, same applies as previous point.

1 - Seems similar to me like artworks of another games - namely Assassin’s Creed pops to mind. Would definitely confuse them. Not to mention this pose is somewhat of a cliché.
2 - Too many motives at once - the logo doesn’t really stand out - would probably overlook in a shelf.
3 - My second favorite, but the colours make it look dated. Would probably imagine an old school isometric RPG if I saw this.
4 - Would prefer Henry in helmet - this actually looks like a poster for a WW2 game.
5. I don’t hate it, but has a similar problem like 3 - appears too out of date, would probably get a wrong idea as what’s in the box.
6. My favorite - simple, modern, large logo, easily recognizable. White color gives it an exclusive touch (would be better with no-glossy finish if you’re considering an actual box, and not just a DVD jewel case)

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I like number 5 and 6 because it’s not the same kind of invincible heroe that almost every videogame or movie shows. What I loved about them is that it makes you feel like not everything is possible, you won’t succeed if you don’t fail sometimes.

The only thing I don’t like with number 5 is the background color compared to Henry’s. I would change Henry’s colors and make them a little bit stronger and decrease background color intensity.

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I would like something in between 1 and 5 the most if I saw it in a store, more elements of one should be kept then elements of 5 added.

2, 3 and 4 are more like book covers to me and 6 doesn’t show enough according to me.

Also, I saw someone say that the crying Henry of 5 makes people wonder why, that’s true, but I would make his face visible, maybe with his head hanging lower then the handle of his sword, just so nobody can doubt if it is crying or, in fact, just being tired or something.

Btw, each and everyone of them is already a beautiful cover, but since you asked me for criticism, I give some.

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I love the ‘medieval illustration’ style of number 5; it’s very unusual and striking, not at all the kind of thing you’d normally see on a game box. However I’m not sure whether that would translate into more sales in practice.

jedině koncept číslo 5 má nějako hloubku, či emoce…PŘEPRACOVAT DO VIZUÁLU 1 NEBO 2 je ovšem nutnost