[PS4][BUG] "The game ist still downloading"

I am running on a 2015th 500gb normal PS4.

I’m running it on a ps4 pro.

I have The same problem. Has anyone got any answer when they planing on fix it?

No idea but as I said before just don’t patch it and play, there’s loads of bugs and other issues but oh well. We’ll have to wait I guess

Playing on Ps4 from store. Hon do i unpatch?

This. How do you unpatch?

Same problem here, PS4 original, bought from PS-store, cant unpatch, game totally broken ten minutes in. I have also sent an email to support, hoping for a quick resolution. As is, the product I have purchased is totally defective.

To unpatch, you’ll have to delete the game and start the install again from the disc. When the patch download begins, go to your notifications and cancel and delete the download. Wait for disc to finish installing, then play.

At this point I’d just wait until all the issues get patched as when you get past this issue there’s gonna be a million other bugs that will annoy you, but behind the bugs it’s actually an enjoyable game

So i saw this “bug” for the first time last night. It actually doesn’t look like a bug. My game is actually updating the new patch. The big one, the day one patch. It doesn’t explicitly show you that it is downloading anywhere, but i was doing some looking around i went to the product information(home page->options button->product information) and it showed that it was at like 29 gb out of 50 gb and the status showing downloading. Can anyone confirm this?

Of course it is not a bug in this sense, the displayed message will be shown when needed. But the bug is that it is shown even when there is nothing left to download, defentively nothing.

Yes I have just seen in product information section when you press options it will show you that the game is still downloading. It just doesn’t tell you anywhere else.

Just an update, so i checked in the information if it was still downloading and it was completed. Tried the dialogue and it worked. There is your answer. It is still downloading.

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Where did you find this “status showing downloading”? Because when I go to the game on the home screen and then press the options button I can only see things like the last update date, size, version etc. but I can’t see any download status. And normally there is none in the information section. So where exactly did it show you that the download is completed?

Well mine was done downloading…

Ok I don’t even have that part. Was the download status also there before? My game size is 55 GB, don’t know if that matters. Did you just leave the game on standby and let it download? How long did it take?

Hello what Germany has come out a bit? Is there a new progress?

Not really but I spoke to @WH_janrucker who is a quality assurance tester and he said they hope they will fix this soon. Well at least they know of our problem now.

Hi there. I had the same problem. Then I came across the days on the Internet that there should be problems with the CDs. Have a replacement CD delivered and it’s been running since then.

This is entirely possible. I, too, exchanged my first disc that was causing these problems. But, when the new disc wouldn’t load at all, I figured I had a problem with my PS4 and went ahead and got a pro. Game has been working since, and I assumed it was because I upgraded my system and not the disc. But now, I think it might have been the disc.