R2 ps4 not working

I can confirm that the same issue is happening for me aswell. During the fist fight I had with the drunkard for the first quest, I could only use the jab option ( R1 ) pressing R2 did not produce the other unarmed attack. The kick and block work just fine, the R2 button just won’t do anything. Managed to beat the drunkard using just R1 and proceeded to sword training with Vanek. Got past the first stage where he asks you to move around… then he asks you to hit him with R2 from the sides. Press R2 to attack and nothing happens…

Currently making a small video with my phone, I’ll send a link to it


Can confirm it is happening to me aswell

https://youtu.be/-J5pc6pQkbc Please excuse the bad quality and annoying voice, just sending it in a form where you can see me pressing the button down and tell what’s going on.


Thanks for making the video! This is exactly how it works for me too currently.

So the R2 button does not work from the beginning or only after the fight with Kunes?

@Comeforthfgt great, thanks!

It seems like everything in the game that is connected to the R2 button doesnt work.
In my case i cant even shoot a bow because it uses the R2 button as well.
The finishing strikes later in the game dont work either.

From the looks of it, it seems it doesn’t work at all. Not sure if there is any other way to test it so early in the game beside the combat tutorial and the fist fight.

Well if you wait long enough in the sword training you’ll be able to skip that part of the tutorial, I’m using it to test what else isn’t working currently

R2 button can be used even outside of combat as free attack.

So after dialogue with Mother it should be already functional

R2 works in menus, but not in combat.
Completed beginning, still not working.

I am having the same problem as explained and shown in the video. my R2 works in menus but not combat cant even use it out of combat freely

Well that makes seem like a even larger overall problem, since it doesn’t seem to at any point. Just an idea, but do you think that maybe the button was mapped wrong or possibly just nothing happening because the animation is missing? Just a thought

Yeah, launched the game just now to make sure. And I can only cofirm what others have already said: works fine in the menus, doesn’t work at all during regular gameplay.

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R2 Button does not work from the beginning pal

Btw is there a 1.2 patch for game? Menu says its 1.1 and no new versions available

I’m playing on Ps4 Pro Version 1.1 Download Version from Psn Store.

R2 is working after speaking with Dad the first time.

"PS4 patches 1.0.1 & 1.0.2 are the same, the difference is only in territory"

Well I just hope the update comes soon, and hopefully fixes this and some of the other small issues

Having the same issue, although I have found that R2 will work in combat if you press it in a very specific place near the body of the controller. This got me through the sword tutorial but it’s still functionally unusable for play. Major issue.