R2 ps4 not working

Is someone else having problems with the R2 button?

Me to man hopefully they resolve it soon

Is someone else having problems with the R2 button?

Is someone else having problems with the R2 button?

Ok I just read that they will have a patch out in two weeks!!! PEOPLE just get away with shit now in the gaming industry. tired of buying lies. Please stop selling us lies. Haha the app game icon is appropriate however. Guy doing a face palm on his sword hilt Bahahaha

Guys the to fix this glitch switch L2 and R2 as far as i know L2 is not used for anything here is a video how to change controllers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6nrZu9jnmk&t=114s

Pretty sure L2 is kick/push. And I would switch them if kick would work with R2 … I’m going to assume it wouldn’t because that would just be crazy crazy if it worked lol

Mine is also not working. R2 has not worked from the beginning of the game. This is on PS4

The R2 button doesn’t work period … for most of us posters at least , I think. After the training with swords though I noticed that the stamina bar will deplete when pressing R2 , it’s just not showing any animation and no damage is being inflicted to npc. It’s like the actual attack for the R2 trigger was never coded into the game. So This is what is happening basically

I was worried it was just me, same issue. R2 won’t work in the fist fight or the tutorial, but is fine in the menus.

IDniel Vavra from warhorse studious tweeted this

Daniel VĂĄvra :crossed_swords:
2/2 Next patch is coming soon and will fix lot of quest bugs and other issues like frame drops. Expected release in approx 2 weeks.

This tells me not enough people have the game breaking bug to cause waves in there reputation and dollar value to fix it sooner. IE we are shit and we don’t matter. There posting funny little videos on twitter … all is well the money is still rolling in so thank you everyone , now fuck off… That’s how I’m reading all of it

That’s hilarious looooooool

Im playing on PS4 Pro and so far I have not experienced this bug…

Topper i guaranty you will work if you witch u can press r2 to grab bodies push and mercy kill instead of l2 once u switched and you use l2 for slashes

i tired for circle and i could run using R2 but the contollers felt bad

R2 Button on Playstation4 isn´t working (Workaround)
You can remap your R2 key to L2 on your playstation4
Go into the settings of your PS4
Go to Accessibility
Go to Button Assignments
Enable Custom Button Assignments :ballot_box_with_check:
Customise Button Assignments
R2 :arrow_right: L2

Just to clarify some things:

  • “PS4 patches 1.0.1 & 1.0.2 are the same, the difference is only in territory” Daniel Vavra

  • I can confirm that switching the buttons does indeed work and it can work as a temporary solution for now I think. I switched R2 with triangle (as it is mostly used to call and mount a horse) and when you switch it, R2 works fine for some reason. It can still be a bit pain in the ass in the menus for example (constantly pressing the wrong button) but it’s better than nothing.

Feb 14 1020am: Control’s still don’t work. Wtf is this shit? Way to deliver, how much of that crowd funded cash was actually spent on developing this game?

And whoever mapped the controller needs to go back on their autism medicine.


@ExileActual u can fix this glitch your self as the next patch will be in 2 weeks u can switch the switch L2 an R2 in the button assignment section of your ps4 to fix this glitch till a official patch is released. give the game a chance ive played it for 25h now this is the one and only glitch ive encountered and so far i give the game an easy 9,5

@Zero_0200 thanks, I’ll give it a try. On the other hand we shouldn’t hafta do this and the controlls should be intuitive with “usual” controller lay out. Circle to run and square to jump?

Thanks again for the tip— I’ll try it.