R2 ps4 not working

Hope so :slight_smile: this game is easy to get into , the story is taking its time explaining everything ā€¦ very immersive for slower people

I have played now a few hours. The R2 is still working.

I hope this info will help.

I manged to get around the combat tutorial by just standing there for about 5 minutes then he says thats enough and contiues on however minor spoilers alert in the main quest line u have to do another combat tutorial and archery tutorial were i am now but since R2 dont work i cant use the bow so it is basically a game breaking bug.

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Did you try switching R2 functions to a differwnr butron ? Heard it works

Nope gone try that tomorrow was just letting people know in case that is not working for them

Hope it gets fixed with the patch ! Untill then not mich us plebs can do

Had been hyped for this game for months now but as soon as I get it, I notice my r2 button wonā€™t work for heavy attacks switch controllers same issue. Please fix this issue on ps4 waited how long for the game and now i cant pass the first level due to one bug unbelievable!

Is someone else having problems with the R2 button?

Wait for the actual release timeā€¦ right now youā€™re probably playing a 3 month old version of the game.

There should be a version 1.2 patch available in a matter of hours. That will likely address a number of issues that console players are experiencing.


Thanks , i tought that the Patch was release atĆ© the same time that the game ā€¦sĆ³ tomorow maybeā€¦thanks for the headsup

I think it did, 1.1 should be the patch.

Distributors and retailers released the game earlier than intendedā€¦ so thereā€™s been a pretty sizable cluster fk in terms of distribution. People are pretty confused, which is understandable.

Anyways, some are reporting that they have the day 1 patch and are at version 1.2 already (on PS4) while others are suggesting they donā€™t and are still running version 1.1.

I dare say that this is all geo / timezone related. Come tomorrow you should be sweet! Enjoy

It actually might be. the problem is that there are conflicting information floating around. Polygond claims, that if you play with 1.1 and not 1.01 it is already patched. On the other hand IGN was playing on 1.2 earlier today during live stream. So right now who knows what is true.

Aint that the truth! ā€¦hopefully the PC version doesnā€™t have these same inconsistencies

Will see about that tomorow, i hope you re right because i cannot use my tackle button :smile:

I am on ps4 install size 46.51 gig. But yes game version says 1.1. You are right.

get out and take your posts about the game you shouldnt be playing yet with you

Patch 1.02 if this is the current patch then R2 is still bugged , for me at least.

Is someone else having problems with the R2 button?

Heavy attacks do not work the button that would be used is r2 when u hit r2 nothing happens. You canā€™t use it at all not in the first fist fight or not in the sword tutorial and you canā€™t advance beyond it because you need to use a heavy attack.