Should I start a new game?

From a cautious perspective, I know patch 1.3 isn’t gonna be a miraculous “fixes all” patch. Still I expected I would be able to continue my playthrough more smoothly.

Alas, continuing from an old save I played a few hours but I already hit a wall from what I thought was gonna be a smoother ride. There are still a few quest bugs that we’re already reported but not really included in the “300” quest fixes.

Also random encounters just vanished. I had some on the first fast travel, then after progressing quests and stuff they’re suddenly gone and the quests I completed weren’t even the main culprits that caused random encounters to disappear in the last version.

I want to start a new game to see if things are better but honestly I’ve lost so many hours from incomplete playthroughs/restarts already that I’m burnt out to start another one.

I’m already getting to the point where I’ve stacked up a couple quest bugs and haven’t resolved them.
I haven’t played into the new patch yet but I might be in the same boat as you. Main issues have been with Merjohed main quest. I have already lost like +20 hrs but I will probably start a new fresh game if the bugs persist. This will mean I will lose the St George sword and armour, which would suck, but I think replay value is pretty high in this game.

Yeah, if you’ve already done quite a bit of quests from an old save your experience won’t be much better with 1.3 since those quests maybe in a state/objective where the fixes/changes won’t really matter.

An example of this is when I tried to return St. Procopius’ bowl back in the cave after Saintly Remains quest. Still unable to put it back which has negative side effects. Problem was I already picked it up which may be why it’s still bugged… or WH hasn’t fixed this yet.

It might also be that a lot of changes/fixes in 1.3 isn’t save compatible from what I’ve experienced so far.

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Yes, Play as manys hours as possible and start a new Game each patch! :ok_hand:

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I already lost the armour and sword after the patch, they disappeared from my chest storage. :frowning:

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I started a new game, make sure when you do that you remove any saved games in your game, also go into the settings of "ps4"and remove and saved games there. Also into your PSN online account and remove any saved games there.

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After finding the top tier gear too OP i went back to basics. This is what i wear

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I have about 70 hours in game. I halted the main quests just befor “baptism of fire”…
Now, after the latest patch (1.3) i thought about starting over… BUT! I got the Pesheck (the miller of rattay) BUG!(the one where this NPC is nowhere to be found)
So i’m wondering, if i start a new game… this bug will be crucial in the early stage of the story. Should i try anyway, and with luck, by starting a new game, it will reset and correct the bug?? is there any workaround for this??
After the patch, my already started quests, wich had bugs… were still bugged! Could this be corrected with the start of a new game??

No you shouldn’t start a new game because there are issues with cut scenes not working properly after the patch in the beginning of the game.

Be sure to backup your saves. I decided to push through after finding workarounds for quests.

The Peshek bug I’ve seen go away after sometime playing but after I teleported him to me using a mod called “Cheat” that has console commands. After that he returned to normal.

For quests a little info, if you load a game where you already picked up Procopius’ bowl for Saintly Remains quest you still can’t place it back. It’s fixed if you haven’t picked it up before.

start a new game, its even more fun the second time through when you dont feel so pressured to complete quests in a timely fashion…and if you just progress the story to about half way and then play it as an open sand box and jsut run side quests its a lot of fun. In my experience, around 170 hours, 2 play throughs and on Xbox One I’d say most issues come around near the halfway point of the story and it just gets worse as you go

I guess I was lucky!

I’ve already restarted my playthrough 3 times and have been flying through the game wondering why I haven’t encountered any enemies… Oh seems like the devs broke random encounters… Now I’m tossing up between restarting again or uninstalling.

Follow this method by Hornet for fixing random encounters(Only if your in the PC version however):

I’ve set mine to which works fine for me:
wh_pl_randomeventsdebug 0
wh_pl_randomeventscooldownsenabled 1
wh_pl_randomeventbasechancerunoffset 1

Some of the settings may reset back to their defaults so check these values after every game load or quest completion.

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