So, the new quest

Any one succeed doing the archery potion?

I cant do this one :frowning:

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For those who may find it useful.

0.4 Map update for Samopesh

Re-designed the legend (again).
Added a glow to the map markers so they would show better.
Removed playble area border - may add it again in another update.

Each marker is Representative of small groupings (except the thistle) so each location will give you several herbs.

This is not every location of the plants just a general coverage, everything you need to make each potion and then some.

Currently St. Johns wart and bright eye are only available through the Shop thus the shop marker. You can also find for of each in a chest hidden in the forest near the herbalists hut.

The blacksmith sells coal.


the map style in this game is just brilliant


yes the style is great but it would be nice if you can zoom in and move the map (with right click for example)

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yes a second bind like right mouse button would be perfect.
(atm you can move the map with w,a,s,d)

I guess we get something like that when we get the full/larger part of the map. And would also be good to have 2maps, one like its now with one small detalied about one city/town/zone etc. And one full world map, or just zoome ofc like GTAā€¦

And as Rataj said, you can move the map with w,a,s,d

Who poisoned Jerry?
For me it was Jerry himselfā€¦but I donā€™t know itā€™s correctā€¦ Quest Doneā€¦
Are there other Solutions??

there are other endings to that quest line, for example, simply just telling them to get lost. but to ā€œsolveā€ it, you have to gather the clues and talk to the bailiff. i always chose the option where jerryā€™s wife gave him food poisoning with the rotten meat. i took that to the bailiff and he gave me a reward for it, but maybe you can gather clues to make the other case as well and accuse marianna. though to me, it seems the evidence all points to the spoiled meat. to me, that seems like the real solution.

although, i noticed marianna works part time for the herbalist. could she have procured poison from her? she also says some suggestive things to henry, giving credence to the promiscuity claim. maybe iā€™m just reading too much into it. need to hear the voices to really get the context


You know its a pretty good alpha when one of the very few quests is taking care of a guy with diarrhea.


There is one more thistle place; between the beehive(3) and jerryĀ“s toilet.
Nice overview!

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Good Eyes! Map updated.

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there is a thistle in the top left of the map


Confirmed Map updated. IDK how I missed that one im gonna have to do a thistle hunt tonight.


I think if we have the first version of beta,
the forum needs a Guide Thread.
These Maps are perfect for bug reports and are the best ones for Guides.
So simple but very high in his details.
Thank you @ll for the work.

Funny you said that I have already been starting to collect resources for an alpha guide, then when beta gets released we will already have base to work off of just change the info thatā€™s changed.

Right now I was just collecting important threads and working on getting a more comprehensive map up of all available alchemy items, available quests, and places of interest.

Here are the herbs from the book.

And the potions.

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Map updated. added thistle, merchant, and a legend.

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I think thatĀ“s the ā€œbestā€ endingā€¦


And now talk with Marianneā€¦

They will have really fun. Marianne has special abilitys(Sorry, couldnĀ“t resist!).


nice. i guess you gathered more clues or approached his wife differently?

at 213: I will try a description laterā€¦

By another attempt I tried to blame Marianne, but my argumentation was not bulletproof.
Bailiff wasnĀ“t impressed. I donĀ“t know if itĀ“s possible. Has someone a solution?

Sorry for the night session! :relaxed: