Stealth kills are broken

well if history is full of people killing people stealthily perhaps they weren’t being all that stealthy after all? lol

Haven’t you been reading? Because he’s a real life ninja and is 1/2 military hero and 1/2 darkness itself.

Keep up man.


This really annoys me, I hope they fix it.

Spoken by somebody who’s never slept in a place where there’s any real chance of a badguy trying to kill you in your sleep. If you had, you would know that folks can sleep right through howitzers firing all night 50m away but will rise up with knife in hand and swinging it at you before they’re even awake if you make even the slightest sound when getting into the foxhole with them. And you’ve obviously never stuck a real person with a real knife, nor been anywhere near where that happened. Nor do you have PTSD, which was the natural state of all humanity until the last century or so in a few sheltered spots on the globe, so I don’t know why it’s called a “disorder”.

As you obviously lack the necessary qualifications to form any valid opinion on this subject, just read what I’m typing and you might learn something.

Humans evolved to be the top predators of the world over a couple million years and have only had roofs over their heads the last few thousand. Civilization is thus just a thin coat of paint over a raging beast. It doesn’t take much to scrape off that paint, and I daresay conditions in 1403 Europe were more than sufficient for that, considering a week in a front-line foxhole will do it to even the most sheltered of modern folk. 1403 Europe was a world that had been caught in an on-going apocalypse for several generations, so nobody had known anything different in living memory. Most of the so-called adults were alcoholic 20-somethings with untreated PTSD that they’d had since they were 5 or 10 at most. Very, very few folks were in a position to sleep without fear of attack, and even those few usually had enough PTSD to keep them on a razor edge anyway.

As I have said several times above, the noise of impact depends on what you hit. If you hit bone, you must hit hard enough to break that bone or the knife won’t carry on to the vital bits behind this natural armor. Breaking bones makes considerable noise. So that means all skull hits are quite noisy, as are stabs through the ribs. While it IS sometimes possible to stab somebody through the ribs and not directly hit bone, usually you do because you can’t perfectly line the strike up ahead of time and the ribs are more of the target area than the intercostal cartilage. Thus, you must always strike hard enough to shatter any rib you hit and keep going deep without the blade slowing down. And if you somehow manage to slip between ribs by sheer chance, the force you struck will will make your fist slam into the guy’s chest wall.

The only way to avoid (most of) the impact sound is to go down the throat, which requires a standing victim so you can snatch his chin back. This kills rather quickly but leaves a few seconds for gurgling and thrashing, plus the scuffle involved pre-strike. Still, on the whole, it’s often the quieter method compared to the others. Even though a brain-stab can kill instantly if you hit hard enough and accept the sound of solid bone breaking, often traumatic brain injury results in the victim spasming and drumming his heels for a few seconds.

At least not after the fact :smiley: But that also defeats the purpose of stealth. “Loose lips sink ships” and all that :slight_smile:

Thanks but no, I was just typical cannonfodder who was lucky enough to survive a major war and several lesser misunderstandings. And I haven’t killed anybody in right at 27 years plus or minus a couple days, so things might have changed since then. Maybe today’s more sheltered people can’t sleep with 1 eye open in combat zones anymore, and are so soft that no sound ensues when you ram a knife into them hard enough to shatter solid bone and keep on going to the squishy bits inside, nor even bother to noisily spew bloody bubbles in your face, or make a belated, instinctual, spasmodic attempt to fight for their lives.


I dont know about you but my stealth is at 9 (+2 with cloak and dagger) and ive killed stealth killed someone while another was sleeping right next to him and he never woke up(edit- stealth killed a whole cuman camp, most asleep next to each other and other walking around, never alerted anyone). Go train your stealth some more and stop crying that the game too hard and/or its broken… bullethead stop spouting so much crap for crying out loud its a game who the hell do you think you are a real life assassin? Get a grip


In a different way I am glad that all main “stealth” missions can be avoided as I am not a stealth character at all. Even in Monastary I just rushed in, killed the guy in front of everybody and leave before guards could do anything.


Most of this is just flat out false.

Sneak up to a door unlock it nobody sees me no crime reported. I open the door and sneak up to his bed without waking him. Still nobody sees me. I go to knock him out and after I have guards on me. Some how they saw me on a second story while sneaking with a noise level of 19 and a 7 in stealth and only one window at the far end of the room. Stealth is bull in Kingdom Come!

Why does necropost? This thread is dead anyway. Last message was posted Mar’18

You complete the mission by being caught brah

This is not reddit bro like March wasnt that long ago has it been fixed NO. It has to do with a broke mechanic on a game they are still polishing so dont bring that Necro crap here. “Look at me I am Prodavec and I am cool for calling people out on Necroing”. What would you rather have me do open a new forum so that we have 20 post about the same issue?!?! “Ya that is so much better”. It has been 4 months I dont want to hear a word about necroing till its been atleast 6! I travel for work play on a PC and dont have a smart phone. I am away for a month to 3 months so that necroing crap really burns me!

Probably you’re playing an outdated version of the game. Just tried to reproduce it and got no success. This is why such threads lost their relevance - because every single new patch changes things.

I am playing on 1.6 and it happened the night i posted while playing but ya just assume. I use GOG and the version is right there for you to see next to the play button. You have yet to provide anything constructive to the convo i am waiting bra! Also how did you “reproduce” it what town were you in, who’s house, did you knock them out first and then decide to kill them. i highly doubt you reproduced anything.