Steam Key for a pledge backer

Hi, Sorry if this has been answered already.

I’ve logged in to my profile from the email I got years ago but just says it will be replaced with a steam key nearer the time. I’ve gone to the homepage too but can not see a profile link or account information.

Is there a link I can go to to get my steam key?


Hi @infamousmax
The Key will be shown on 13.02.2018 in your Profile
Please have a Little patience…

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Ok thanks,

Since the game is now buyable on steam and backers have to wait to get access til the last minute. Perhaps an update on the forums or site. Or you’re going to get a lot more as this can seem kinda shitty to the backers, especially if a pre-load is going to happen.


The pre-order is possible on Steam. People who pro-ordered the game also have to wait for the 13th of February, they can´t play yet. Only Backers were able to try out the Beta, and get an early impression of the game. People who pro-ordered the game on Steam have to wait for the 13th of February.

Hi, I don’t see any key at my profile page ( I have received Beta access key in the past but there is no full access one there (in fact there is nothing than my address which I entered and updated). Could someone look into it, please?

Hi @Pavouk106,
you can either write a Mail to or if you have some patience @WH_JiriRydl or @DrFusselpulli can take a look on Monday on your Profile.

I will wait until monday, there is no rush.