Hi guys, love the game so far, including the archery. I do feel however that you missed a trick with how you implemented archery in the game. First let me just say that the overall ‘feel’ of the archery is pretty good, not perfect, not to the same standard as sword play in the game, but certainly better than many other games. ‘good enough’, however, seems to be beneath the standard of this wonderful game, so here is my simple, easy to implement suggestion that would massively improve at once the realism, usability, and enjoyment of archery in KCD.
As per archery in real life, the bow should be held in front of the game camera higher and more centrally than it currently is, allowing the player to use a combination of looking down the shaft of the arrow, and a position on the upper limb (the main bit above your hand) of the bow as a general aiming reference. It would act as a rough ‘iron sight’, a simple aiming device that would remove the need for any crosshair, aim assist, or other. I honestly believe this to be objectively the best solution to the current archery issues whilst also keeping in line with the core design principles of the game, satisfying player demands, and as something that is quick and easy (I assume) for the devs to implement vs other potential solutions. I’d like to know what you all think. Please give my idea some consideration, I think it would be a big improvement without taking anything away from what is already great about the game.