Take some pointers from Star Citizen?

Since Star Citizen is such a huge success with their crowd funding, maybe you could take a few pointers from them.

For example, like the ships in Star Citizen; you could work on different horses backers can but or perhaps even highly detailed armor for purchase. STRICTLY FOR PLEDGING! Don’t become another EA. Keep your morals good.

I suggest working on detailed armor, or creating revolutionary design/game changes. Work on a possible multiplayer? Perhaps a small skirmish of people fighting on a battlefield or for a castle? Simple Co-op? If you are already doing this I am sorry, new to your game.

It’s a stretch but these are just my ideas. I am running on no sleep, so please forgive any grammar mistakes.

Good luck!

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Yet again mate, as I mentioned to you before… you might wanna familiarise yourself with the video updates and their content before opening random and mostly pointless threads. *no offence

Also, if you’d taken the time to review the forums and associated topics you would notice that Warhorse and Star Citizen are already in cooperation, with the dev teams linking up to share tech and knowledge; see below: