Talmberg entrance gate bug

Hello everyone,

I’m having the same issue here. The guy says it’s ok they will open the door, but nothing happens. I tried different ways with differents saves, but it’s all the same.

Any ideas ? Any solution? I hope there will be one soon, because i can’t go on in the game. I play from France on PS4.

If the gate is a problem, jump from the brigde.
Or get caught at a crime…(Lockpicking, pocketpicking…)

Thanks that’s a solution, but like Enriquegper said, you can’t go back in the castle and it’s problematic for the following…

did you try to reload a savegame?
It seems that there is in fact a bug with gates/doors and warhorse should work on it…

Yes I did, I reloaded even before i came in Talmberg…
I hope there will be an update soon.

Hi all,
I’m also playing on PS4 (pro) and the very same problem. First of all: SPOILER ALLERT.
tltr: Removed all save games, started a whole new game, could leave through the gate without problems.

The longer version:
I started the game just with the disc. Did the patch download in the background. I played a couple of hours until I reached Talmberg.
Than I saved (old game version) and installed the update (the big one - about 20 GB). Than I continued with the old save and finally ran into the “gate problem”.
I did very little testing about when and why this issue occurs, but have some theories about what might have happened.

The problem is because of the “mixed game” I had. So started and saved in Version 1.0, patched and loaded savegame. Perhaps this could lead to such a problem?

There are 3 (and perhaps even more) methods to leave the town. Of this 3, I mixed up 2 of them: I talked with the Lady of the lord (I have forgotten her name) AND with the guard. Perhaps this leads to the glitch.
The third way of escaping, jumping down the bridge I tried but it felt unsatisfying and doesn’t matched my “character” So I left this one out.

The solution I did in the new game was to simply only talk to the lady, got the money and the location of the watchmens clothes, and left the main gate as an unrecognized watchman.

Whats about the people here who are complaining? Did some or all of you have a mixed game as I had (number 1 in my description) or did you also “mixed up” the 2 conversations (guard at the gate and the lady)? Perhaps this way the dev’s could nail down whatever is happening there…

Beside this: I hope this will help someone.
Thanks for reeding :wink:

PS: GREAT GAME beside the little glitches here and there…


Thanks a lot for your answer Staubi!

At the beginning, I mixed the conversation (lady & guard), and then i didn’t, so that wasn’t the solution.

But I did the same as you : i first played on version 1.0, then with the big update. I will try to delete all saves and begin again, hoping that will solve it.

Hi dino,
that’s good to know. Perhaps other people could also let us know if they are using “mixed games” (I don’t know what would be a better name as I’m a native German speaker trying English :wink: )

Mixed game… Same problem.

Thanks Staubi!!
Problem solved for me : i deleted all saves and made a new game in version 1.02. It worked! I only contacted the lady to be sure there was no problem with the characters.

Hi Dino, cool that this helped. After Talmberg the game really begins :wink:
I wish you much fun… (and me as well, and all the others :wink: )

Hi, im also having the same issue, i jumped from the bridge to leave talmberg and went on with my adventure. Is this locket gate problem going to be fixed with an upcoming patch? Because I don’t want to delete my savegame… Or am i f*cked?

Find another way (hint: climb the tower and find that chest, then talk to the guard at the gate). After starting my game yesterday morning and playing my first 11 hours, I have just left Talmberg Castle in my disguise. That’s how long it took me to get to this point in the story, because I search and roam everywhere and talk to everyone. Although, the first hour, I read everything in the codex and all the perks info, etc. Anyway, spend more time trying to talk to people and exploring your surroundings. in order to achieve your goals. good luck! I’m off to play another 10 hours of KCD today! :sunglasses: Later all!

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The problem is not to get out of Talmberg, but how to revisit the town with this bug. I had the armor from the chest, and I had talked to everyone.

Sorry, but I can’t help you there, because I have not reached that point of the story yet. I will most likely, get there later today. I hope someone else can answer your question.

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Same bug present!
WTF!?!?! WHat do you mean by start the game again?!
No, I do not want to!
BTW I do not have version 1.02 on PS4.
And I can’t start the game from the start every time they release the update.

NY, USA here bought it opening day. Last copy left in Gamestop. Got stuck on the gate not opening after buying lockpicks and getting the armor… Gonna try the bridge…it worked… probably would want the armor though for incognito purposes? Otherwise I wasted money with those lock picks and selling arrows… dang’


  • Made it to his home town and the game crashed due to unknown error… WOW

But as far as I understand the whole Talmberg Gate issue you won’t have any other option than start over from the beginning. I think I’ve red somewhere (twitter perhaps?) that the “old” save games were supposed to be deleted after updating to 1.02 (but they didn’t and so you end up with playing with “corrupted” save games which where created prior to 1.02
@all: please correct me if I’m wrong. The whole thing is confusing enough :wink:

Impressive numbers. I am curious how many hours you will end up playing through to the end… :grinning:

I have the same problem. Playing with PS4. I started the game with no updates. So I think the only way will be restart the whole game. That is preposterous! How can you sell a product that looks like has not even been tested? I want my money back!