Tatctics fighting multiple enemies

Haha good one! :joy:

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My favourite tactic lately is mounted knight. I take my favourite longsword and heavy armor, get up into saddle and hit and run on the horse. Just dont get caught or frighten your horse, then you are foot soldier and you have to be more careful.

Usually, bandits set guards to patrol the area, like the mill just outside Skalitz. Hide and when the guard walks past sneak up and kill him. Or you can shoot one with a bow to draw him away then take him on, he may have a freind or two in tow but 2-3 v 1 is better than 10 v 1.
You have to check what armor they are wearing, if they have plate or chainmail and you are low level, you are probably going to lose as they are much higher level than you. If so change your tactics and go for a stealthier approach to ofset your level disparity.

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LOL, It’s still a game and an RPG, couldn’t have you trotting off to the medic everytime you are injured now could we? That would get boring real quick.

WahHorse has stated, since Kickstarter, that they wanted to bring as much ‘Realism’ to the game as they could.

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My reply was to his question “How realistic is it for one person to take out more than five enemies?”.
I know this game is supposed to be realistic.

Haha. Exactly. They assumed I didn’t know about the devs. :joy:

press circle to run and try to get them in a straight line so they don’t surround you basically just don’t let them surround and make them stand in a straight line this is also a real-life tactic when you get into a fight with a couple person I saw it on a self-defence show.

if you still can’t do it you can always run build a stealth character and come back to them when they are asleep and kill them when they are sleeping.

iow, assertions of realism (eg ‘The game is meant to be realistic’) are used to make selective and self serving argument about play elements of a game. realism is illusory at best.

Not sure where you’re going with (medieval) medics. They don’t/wouldn’t/couldn’t provide the immediate restorative power simulated by marigold (calendula) decoctions in this game.

If one is honest in trying to simulate realism then the game should place a primacy on wound avoidance and healing time. Repeatedly mending the flesh of nasty wounds without penalty or concern emboldens the player to fight more like a cartoon character and less like a man try to survive.

Concussions even now 600 yrs later take days not minutes to overcome. This penalty is currently negated in KCD. Keeping penalties longer (eg game days instead of mins) would better simulate the RL costs associated with suffering wounds and injuries. Fwiw, in playline1, I didn’t use any marigold decoctions for the first +200h. Challenging and fun.

As far as medic related stuff is concerned. It would be nice if the game played up elements of medieval medicine a little more. Sure Pribyslavitz isn’t Prague but a little something would be appreciated.

What do you think the Apothecary is?

I was just pointing out that it is still a game and has to be fun, wasn’t having a go at you. Don’t take it the wrong way.

It’s a Game not a Simulation so yes a certain ‘license’ has to be taken with ‘reality’.

I bet you ‘realistically’ healed when sleeping though right? Now you are just being absurd. Marigold decoction, Lazarus Potion or healing when sleeping are perfectly good gameplay mechanics for this. Simulating real life would be impossible and make the game unplayable.

Sure they could implement it in a basic way, but not in a way that makes it tedious and complicated.

If you mean medic, say medic. If you mean apothecary, say apothecary. Regardless, having an apothecary pop in on the battlefield changes nothing. If one truly believes that the game is meant to be realistic (as Kirksty expressed), then quick heals shouldn’t be a part of the game

Well, take what I can get. Would rather have injuries last past sleep but KCD didn’t build that mechanic

Hardly. Time heals all wounds is already a game mechanic. It’s just accelerated

Now you’re just being pedantic for the sake of it, I used the term ‘medic’ as a gameplay example. In this game, as in other RPG’s the ‘medic’ is an apothecary. If i refered to a ‘tanky’ armor setup would you be just as obstinate?

Quick heals aren’t part of the game, you heal over time. The ‘realism’ comes from not being able to heal instantly, or at all, during combat. whether you do it by using a ‘potion’ or having a nap afterwards is by the by.

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Pedantic? Pot meet kettle. Marigold decoction afford a quick heal relative to RL

Valid point, if this were RL, it’s not. It’s a game… so your point is???

You were the one disputing the existence of quick heals as part of the game. That’s a stupid assertion

5 minute or 30 second heals outside combat are not 'quick ’ for games. Most games have instant heals that you can use during combat.
I just pointed out the game still has to be fun. imagine you were half dead after a fight and you can’t heal yourself, how tedious is that going to become after a while?
You seem to be taking everything I say pesonally, that’s not how it was meant.

The comment was directed to Kirksty. And your whole point is a red herring to Kirksty’s assertion. I do agree there needs to be artistic license and balance. I don’t fault WH for its implementation (gotta pander to faux realism in order to make $$$). I just don’t confuse it with realism.

In a game, you simulate the ‘feel’. Wound avoidance and healing time are too loose if one wishes to have that feel.

No it’s not, having to ‘rest up and heal’ for days after every encounter would soon wear thin for most players and probably turn a vast majority off the game.

I’m not, the game tries to be ‘realistic’ when it can but it’s still a game and that therm is relative.