The combat makes me want to kill myself

I actually avoided progressing to Bernard-Capon quest so melee couldn’t have been that bad for me. At release, I did say WH should’ve enable Bernard’s training earlier or should’ve given a more in depth/step by step breakdown of KCD idiosyncratic combat mechanic (either Bernard or Vanyek in Skalitz)

WH did itself no favors by introducing combat the way it did

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I neither coined the term nor was one to tell others here in this forum that they needed to do so. That said, I think it silly to deny the applicability of the expression to a segment of KCD players and their attitude

I actually enjoyed the training with bernard and my strength is now at 20. agility is what I need though.
I can only speak for myself, so what my issue is, is that enemies are surrounding me too fast, block everything and I can’t even look around fast enough, because the camera on controller is way too slow.

But with another mode, the ones who want to play it on hard, don’t need to, no one wants to take away their experience.

For players on easy, it would still be a challange.

No I don’t think so, the only real challenge early on is the bandit in the woods and the two suspicious dudes looking for ginger. Even they aren’t much of a challenge. you can stealth the two looking for ginger (knock them out then kill them) and the bandit in the woods you can call for help before dealing with him, or shoot him with a bow first. After that Bernard is available for training.

I know you didn’t coin the term, you take me for a NooB?

What do you mean?

I chose to fight bandit v Cuman v trader v guard battle spawn points instead of progressing

Therein lies your problem ‘enemies’, I did martial arts for many years and I do not expect to go and take on 4-8 guys and come out on top or, if I did, unscathed. Why should Henry. Use some tactics, a bit of stealth and bow to thin them out then take on the 2-3 that remain.

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I mean a step by step breakdown/tutorial is not needed.

That’s for you. I didn’t either. But, I did read comments of players here and elsewhere who struggled. If you only see things from your own perspective, you’ll underachieve in making changes for others that lead to increased customer satisfaction and revenue

No, it’s not. That was the whole premise of what WarHorse was aiming for as stated in the Kickstarter. A realistic approach to character progression and gameplay/story.
As you can tell from my title I am a backer. I got exactly what I backed the game for. A historic RPG that added a bit of realism to the genre, within limits obviously. That is what they advertised and that is what they delivered. People that are complaining now obviously haven’t read the description or researched the title. They are expecting to go out and PWN anything that moves as super human… blacksmith’s son… It doesn’t work that way.

KCD didn’t/doesn’t need to be heavy handed. A comment or 2 (advice) from Vanyek in Skalitz could set or reenforce expectations (that makes KCD different from Dragon Age, Skyrim, W3, etc)

That’s BS. Didn’t watch ESO with Tobi did you? Moreover, in RL martial arts, that’s exactly what’s done. Your lunge, stance, parry, etc is wrong. Do it again. This time…

In the description is also stated I get to avenge my parents, I had to let the **** go.
I have read the description.


It’s not realistic at all for a father to send his son into the lions cave, or to deal with bandit camps alone to archive what specially trained knights can’t pull off.

I get the point with the strategies, I get the point one needs to practice, but honestly, that “realism” feature only gets mentioned, when it works for certain people on certain aspects, everything else is a game and a challenge.

That’s exactly what he does, after your training session he tells you exactly “Don’t expect to ‘Git Gud’ straight away it takes practice and practice but the best practice is against real opponents”, or words to that effect.

I wasn’t particulary talking about you, just answering frelmedieval with generics about ‘casual’ players.

I’m sorry then.

Vanyek does not provide enough actionable feedback; hence, the raison d’etre for Bernard’s later training

As I stated, if you listen to him after the training he specifically says ‘Don’t expect to become a master overnight, it takes practice and more practice and real fights’ to become one.
Can’t be more specific that that.

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That’s not actionable fighting feedback

You weren’t asking for ‘Actionable’ fighting advice, advice on how to get better at fighting is what you were requiring and that advice is… ‘PRACTICE’.

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Really, so 검도, fencing, and けんどう, they tell you just fight? Nonsense

Vanyek would have no place in any self respecting dojo/dojang

Fencing, wasn’t around till the 18th Century so no fencing is out.
Sword fighting and any kind of martial persuit is all about practice. The harder you train the less you bleed.
Vanyek tells you to ‘practice’ and that’s what you do, with Bernard, Robard against bandits and highwaymen. That’s what you do, if you are losing a real fight, run away. God knows I did that enough times in my first playthrough.
then practice some more and, when you go back, you’ll probably own it.
The whole point is it gives you a sense of ACOMPLISHMENT, an easy mode would take that away from the player and reduce the game to ‘I’m Awesome from the start cuz I built my char da bezt’!!!

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