The Ending Made Me Lose all the Good Will I Had For War Horse (Spoilers)

I agree with everything you said. However I believe there should be dialogue choices the player has to make to get Knighted or named a Spymaster or Assassin or something like that. Some kind of official title that defines Henry. I would love to get Knighted, nothing says we shouldn’t be even historically. There was a metric FUCKTON of Knights not recorded in history and most of them were true Knights or Knighted under meritorious circumstances. So I’d love it, but it should also be done halfway or so through the game so you can enjoy the rest of your dialogue as your title.

I feel like it was well written however it shouldn’t have such an incredible cliffhanger and a HARD ENDING to the game. Hard Ending meaning: It literally says “The End” then in order to continue the game you have to revert a save. They could have done something different, and added more replayable content such as recurring bounty quests, sword tournaments, horse racing or even mercenary quests where you protect some merchant or noble on his travel.

I only wish that ending the main story didn’t literally make me fail every sidequest I had, it tells you it will but I expected some to not be available, not almost all of them, some might be bugged as far as I know, Talmberg villagers just disappear in a puff of smoke even if bandits didn’t have time to raze it and I need them for atleast 4 quests I have, it’s unbelivable, this kills playability…

i dunno where but the achievements tell me of a Talmberg race
i ask myself "where???"
i feel like the game is missing a lot of content, and the devs themseleves said they scrapped ACT 3 from the release
so you might be right about the “hard end” not being conclusive

Talmberg race is from a quest you get from Zola in Neuhof.

After or before Neuhof got shoahed?

ten characters

Unfortunately, when you finish the main quest, you lose some side quests… It happened to me several times during the infiltration of the fortress of Vranik and at the beginning of the siege of Talmberg. Of course all the side quests are not lost but the completionist achievement is out of reach…

start a new game, and try out things differently
i did and there is a LOT of replay value to side-quests (many choices, many different outcomes, some are very well hidden)

You are Roose Bolton basically. Rather you are a bit locked into the John Snow type. Why can’t we be ruthless bastards?

More and more people are finishing the game and are complaining for the exact same reasons. Unfortunately I think we were indeed missinformed about the decision regarding ACTs. When I was told that the final game will have a complete story I didn’t imagine that it will only ontain ACT 1 with a kind of epilogue.

What I want to know now is : For people that have bought ACT I - II and III, what is planned now ?

I understand your concerns but personally, I think you are overreacting quite a bit. I, too was loving the story so much and then it just…ended. I don’t like the cliff-hanger ending either, but you have to understand that Warhorse is still just an Indie studio (with all the low-budgetness that brings) and this is their FIRST game as a newly formed studio. The fact they were able to make the game as complete and as amazing as it was with as little money as they had is impressive in its own right.

TL;DR: We all have to remember that Warhorse is basically an Indie studio making a triple-A game, so of course there is going to be cut content and of all the other quirks and woes that making a game brings, especially when having a limited budget.

I partially agree with you, the financial argument is true and that’s a point, they probably made the choice to split the main content in order to give us more side content.

But honnestly, I would have preferred that they took the time to give some more story sequences where you could finally recover your sword and then confront Markvart to kill him than for exemple side quests where you have to recover some birds in the middle of the forest. They preferred to give us side content than story content (Side content is interresting and well done, that’s not the point). Mafia 2 is I think a good exemple to follow in that case, almost no side content, but a fucking great story you want to play again and again.

They have made the choice to end the story with a cliffhanger, the problem is that a cliffhanger is merely frustration based and to conclude your first game like that is honnestly not a good idea at all, you are leaving players in a frustrated state and many (myself included) will just be thinking in the end…well…I’ve played hours and hours to become stronger and to be able to take my revenge and finally I understand that my main goal will never be reached in this game and my main quest will still be active after finishing the game.

Honnestly I don’t remember seing this before in a RPG. Even in trilogies like Witcher or Mass Effect each game was provided with it’s own beginning, it’s own ending and it’s own story.

Some people will disagree with me and I can understand why, cliffhangers are working well in other contexts. I already told this before but my main concern with a sequel is now that I’m a good swordsman, a good archer, with a full plate armor, how will the next game begin ? I don’t see many options for them to reinitialise progression in a realistic way…either I will be put in a jail for years to forget about all I learned before (and even this is not realistic), either I’ll be attacked in the middle of the forest by bandits, I’ll be beaten to death and I’ll be completely amnesic (even worse than the jail) :confused:

For me the only good way to end this story is to complete the game with a free DLC.

You have made some good points here. I completely agree with the whole “new game progression reset” problem. I don’t know how they are going to manage making a new game and still have Henry go through the same progression system again. He’s basically a badass by the end of the game…unless the next game doesn’t immediately take place where KCD ends, but even then that still wouldn’t make much (if any) sense.

And yes i agree, i think the only good way to end the story is through either a free DLC pack or a paid DLC pack that is so big that it is basically a new game that has A TON of content in it and will let you continue where you left off.

there wil be a sequel

If you level up your speech skill, you can convince Eric to tell you how many men Istvan has. By the time of the siege, he probably has less than 35 men left to hold Talmberg. Their advantage was having defensible locations and stone walls.

It is probably a realistic approach to what this kind of battle would be like back then. They didn’t have forces in the thousands lined up, it was groups of dozens to a few hundred usually. Which is why Sigismund’s army at the beginning is such a big deal because he has so many.

If they continue the story and add the next chapters without charging extra money, I’m content to be honest. But when you pay as much as you would for a AAA game, the least you can expect is a full, true ending, not an awkward free-roaming phase with your original main story objectives still active, and then be forced to pay even more to continue the main storyline. But i doubt WH will do that, it’s probably that they just want to polish what they’ve made already before adding more content to the bug festival.