I am sorry, I thought I’d made this clear earlier, but perhaps it got lost in the stream. Games media would not by any means, ‘lose interest’. For some time now, there has been a co-ordinated action by a group of academics (Primarily using DiGRA) to push their own Postmodern/Relativist Radical distortion of Feminist Ideology into the gaming industry. THEY made it a war, most of us in #Gamergate wanted jack-all to do with it-
“September 8, 2014
This is a culture war. The right side is winning, at great cost. At great personal costs to people like Anita Sarkeesian, Leigh Alexander, Zoe Quinn and even Jennifer Lawrence, and countless others who are on the frontlines of creating new worlds for women, for girls, for everyone who believes that stories matter and there are too many still untold. We are winning. We are winning because we are more resourceful, more compassionate, more culturally aware. We’re winning because we know what it’s like to fight through adversity, through shame and pain and constant reminders of our own worthlessness, and come up punching. We know we’re winning because the terrified rage of a million mouthbreathing manchild misogynists is thick as nerve gas in the air right now.
Us Social Justice Warriors – this is me, stealing that word in order to use it against my enemies- are winning the culture war by tearing up the rulebook, and there’s nothing the sad, mad little boys who hate women and queers and people of colour can do about it. Nothing, at least, that doesn’t sabotage their strategy, because they can win their game from day to day, but they’re losing the war. They can punish me for writing this, and I’m sure they will, but that will only prove my point. I’m not afraid anymore.
Every time they make an example of one of us, ten more stand up in outrage to hold her up or take her place.
We are stronger, smarter and more numerous than anyone imagined, and we are not to be fucked with.
Their goal is to tear down gaming as we know it-
Some choice quotes-
“The DiGRA panel addresses the movement of the DiGRA ideology from simply existing
within academia to within the industry itself, that industry being video games.”
So, they clearly want to move their ideology into videogames.
"SilverString Media is a backer of the Patreon “Critical Distance”, started on March 5,
2014 by Kris Ligman, the News editor at Gamasutra.com. Notable backers of Critical
Distance’s Patreon [6] are:
- SilverString Media – since June 13, 2014
-Jenn Frank – of Guardian fame
-Akira Thompson – Indiecade Gamemaker Relations
-Vlambeer – of which one member is Rami Ismail, a writer at Polygon
-Ben Kuchera – writer at Polygon
-Brenden Keogh – writer at Polygon, Gamasutra, Ars Techina and Critical Damage
(blog for Critical Distance)
Remember that SilverString media financially supports Critical Distance through Patreon
since June 13, 2014."
And what did Critical distance do after The Escapist changed their editorial policy? They
“So yeah. Over on The Twitters we (as in yours truly, +Ian Miles Cheong, +Brendan Keogh,
+Rowan Kaiser, +Mattie Brice and +Annie Dennisdóttir Wright) started discussing our various
attempts to undermine the heteronormative hegemony. And now we continue it where we
don’t have wordcaps.”
Not ‘engage’, not ‘reason with’, but undermine. Very ethical.
“Adrienne: Why do we see such tension between academics and game designers? less of an
issue with indies, but there are always some people in industry that have similar questions
until industrial logic takes over later and how can we better intervene in industrial
logics to disturb that process. How can academics bridge the gap to the industry audience
to help them do different work? How can we disrupt the capitalist norms that facilitate
‘Disrupt the capitalist norms’? Didn’t they tell us they just want us to be more inclusive?
“Aaron: Peer review and publishing models. The corruption of the peer review system is
problematic. The reliance of peer review to get tenure and a job impacts us and slows us
This is extremely important. Here they admit that corrupting Peer Review is something
they want to do. Get that? They want to corrupt peer review.
One of the full DiGRA conferences is pasted here-
Oh, and just for good measure-
" Why is Alan Williamson important? Well, in the about page he is associated with 5 out
of 10 Magazine, where we find even more links in this whole debacle.
Alan Williamson is Editor-in-Chief at 5 out of 10 Magazine. [18a]
Leigh Alexander is a contributor, and also the editor-at-large of Gamasutra [18b]
Brendan Keogh is a contributor [18e]
Kris Ligman is a contributor [18d]
Zoya Street is a contributor [18c]"
And this will be implemented by, as they say, ‘undermining’, not dealing openly, honestly & ethically. One of Zoya Street’s personal implementation of this is a hit-piece on Totalbiscuit-
Who incidently, tried and is STILL trying to remain neutral through all this.
There is much more evidence to this effect, I could fill every thread post made so far here with confirmation of it.So again, no I am sorry. If we did nothing, this group would force everyone to go in lockstep with their Ideology, taking it as far as they could go. If the accident of Quinn’s Sex Scandal hadn’t opened the door to discovery of this, things would have definitely gotten worse. Ignoring it is not an option.