The EU and possible exits

there are a lot of definitions of nationalism having pride in your nations history is one of them i guess. i just chose to be proud about a guy who gave the eletricity to the world not the guy who made the concentration camps for our neighbours.

if you really check the links on reparations proposals for slavery you’ve posted, you will see none of them were fulfilled. germans still pay reparations and rightfully so. you think they shouldn’t?

regarding indians and natives in north and south america, that was a massacre i thought everyone with internet connection agrees there.

Why should they? Most Germans weren’t alive during the holocaust, so its utterly absurd that their tax money should go to people who’s ancestors were in the Holocaust.

Minorities get free collage, Indians get welfare checks every month just for being Indians. So yes Americans are paying reparations to decedents of slaves, even though slavery was ended in the mid 1800s.
Not to mention i never claimed we paid the slavery reparations to countries like Jamaica. I was merely pointing out that people think that whites should have to pay for something their ancestors may or may not have done. You asked for my source and i gave you two.

Completely false. 98% of the Indians living here when Columbus arrived were wiped out by disease mostly small pox, it was not genocide. Just a tragic accident.

There were individual massacres like Sand creek yes, but those were not common. The Indians also very regularly targeted civilians, and killed them or enslaved them.

But only 100,000 Indians over the course of 100 years (mostly Braves killed in combat) were actually directly killed by the U.S army and settlers.

So as you can see, i have provided a lot of evidence, to support my claim that “white guilt” is rampant in the west, and that we are often blamed for the crimes our ancestors may have committed.

What reparations are you talking about? My country never received a single mark of reparations.

Meanwhile it took my country 60 years to pay off wardebts to Great Britain - i.e. paying for providing Czech Army in Exile with provisions and arms (like, for example, fighter planes with which the Czech pilots were protecting British islands).

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I dont think Germans should be paying retribution for anything, do you see US paying anything to the people of Iraq? It was a war, and people born after it should have nothing to do with it. What a stupid argument you just presented, ‘‘and rightfully so’’ how is that rightful? What did they have to do with it? You’re stupid, sorry if I offended you but im not sorry.

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The EU have opressed the UK for too long. We NEED to opt out of the EU

Reminds me of a less extreme version of the three generations of punishment practiced in North Korea. Granted you aren’t sent to prison for the alleged crimes of your ancestors, but you have to pay for them.

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The “State” doesn’t end up paying shit. The “State” cannot create wealth, it relies on taxes from citizens, who are the ones who end up paying the reparations. I just cannot grasp, why people think that you should be held accountable for crimes your ancestors may or may not have committed.

sometimes its better to drop a grudge , rebuild and move on , the German people suffered enough to never forget , as did the whole of Europe .

We tried the reparations and grudges after WW1 and it was a major factor in hitler rising to power and starting WW2

Germany did pay reparations after ww2 anyway just not the full cost


Guys, there was a reason why I erase the comment :- ) Forget it, I just came tired and upset from work and shouldn’t check forum at that mindset at the first place.

My opinion is exactly as @TheDivineInfidel wrote I was just thinking about the principle itself, of nation having any responsibility for it’s action. But then I realized that since discussion was about WW2 my thoughts were pretty off.


It’s not exclusively about ww2. I first brought up reparations in regards to slavery, and the Indian wars, because people in this thread were calling me a liar, and saying white guilt does not exist.

The great Christopher Hitchens in debate.

My thoughts are simple… you cannot make the crimes of the father be passed to the son, never mind the great grandson, etc. etc. Especially when no one alive today was enslaved or owned slaves. It’s immoral, absurd, and not even economically feasible to pursue this. And, at the end of the day, no amount of money is going to erase history. The best thing that can be done is to learn from the mistakes of history.

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But nobody learns that many of actual politicians are from generations
and familys full of fascism doctrine or ideologies.

I just don’t understand how it would work. Who do you decide gets the money? All black people? Only black people they can prove are descendants of slaves? And then who pays? White people? That sounds like reverse racism. And how many white people immigrated here after slavery? Their tax dollars now have to go to black people, while they had nothing to do with slavery, and the black person getting it wasn’t enslaved, their parents, and grandparents weren’t enslaved either. And then this comes down to the bigger point; why should I have to pay extra taxes for this? I didn’t enslave anyone. My parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. I mean, where do you draw the line. And why am I being punished if it can be proven that I’m some far-stretched descendant of a slave owner?

This is an important video to watch. It’s about Jesus, but the general concept applies here:

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I will not be a scapegoat!

I would rather the current culture of American society change to create a more level-playing field for all involved. In a ideal society, there’s no such thing as affirmative action, there’s no such thing as skin color, and people are employed, promoted, etc. etc., based purely on their skills and abilities, etc.

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this is still hands down the best reply to the answer of dealing with racism .

fucking love this man

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You already are punished, minorities get far more scholarships than whites, and are far more likely to be accepted into a school when competing against whites, even if their grades aren’t as good. Indians literally get welfare for just being Indians, and all minorities can say what ever they want about whites, because according to “progressives” they apparently are incapable of racism.

Not to mention the recent police shootings, where people ignore the autopsy’s and all the over whelming evidence that the officers acted in self defence. They still get branded as racists, and their lives are completely ruined.