The forum controversy

I think some people speak before they think

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The only real problem comes in generalizing and stereotyping both sides as either one or the other.

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I think you wrote a good artikel / text. It is a wouderful Game and if i can‘t talk about the difficultys and bugs that apear in the game after 60-80 hours here in the Forum them it should be closed. In is a Forum not a advertisment board to sell KD:C. All users bought the game already and problems and complains won‘t disapear by discussing them but it helps if you see that you are not the only one. All the tips, workaraunds and time that the users invest in the Forum is a good thing but complaing about bugs is a releave too. I find this Forum is ahelpful and good thing the war it is.
Sorry for my bad english but i hope it is clean what i mean.


No problem I’ll explain :slight_smile: . I mean by “finalized” a product that reach it’s goal. For an entertaining product like this one, it will be to entertain players.

In my opinion this product is not finalized, it has many problems and after finishing it I am not entirely satisfied. Even if the game doen’t completely fail in it’s entertaining goal (this game has good moments too) it was many time a really frustrating experience.

This is mostly due to some really big issues (Smaller ones are not game breaking so they are not a big deal), and content cut. After the first part I really feel that the developpment was rushed, most of quest bugs I encountered are in the second part of the game and the story ends with some sort of cliffhanger that put player frustration to the top, particularly after playing hours and hours and achieving some really painful quests.

I agree with lordamaury. After pribyslavitz (spelling? ) the story feels more and more flat and rushed. Not to mention the technical side (bugs etc). They should stay true to initial plan of releasing 3 separate acts. Merging act 1 and 2 was too much for them and it shows, unfortunately. Cose bugs can be patched, performance issues as well. Storywritting, quest construction and the like will not be fixed. And in my opinion there is a huge quality gap between first and second part of KC-D in those areas. Hopefully act 3 will get enough development time to be more polished and at the very least will have the quality of the first act.

Thx both of you for clarifying. May not have the same assessment after I finish but still good feedback for WH.

lordmaury and Zoroaster, pls weigh in on other forum (link)

You’re right, major issues absolutely exist. Anyone who says that there are absolutely no issues is an idiot. That being said, there’s no use trying to take sides on the forum, people will keep arguing no matter what. All we can do is wait. This can either turn out really good or reveal itself to be corporate bullshit like someone above mentioned. Let’s give them the chance to see on what side of the fence they land.

Miscommunication is the reason people argue when there is no argument.


It is what it is now, but honestly if you have not experienced any problems with the game at all then as far as I’m concerned you’re not even entitled to an opinion on the problems others are experiencing, I don’t know why you’d even comment, you cannot possibly understand their frustrations because you don’t have any.

Yes many games have day 1 patches, yes triple A games are not completely bug free, but this is on a whole other level of Not Even Remotely Ready For Release. Its great that some people are lucky enough to be in a position where they can’t grasp that, good for them.

If you disagree with that then you’re lucky its working so well for you, but I don’t care what you think of how badly its working for the rest of us.

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Just because someone is not experiencing the fustrations of what the other has, doesnt mean they can’t make an objective viewpoint on their opinion.

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There is no need for them to comment even if they don’t have anything useful to add in terms of bug fixing. They are just making excuses for the studio. Am here for a solution to my problem not an excuse for the studio.

I am not taking sides as such. This post was meant to point out that many people on the forums that ask people to leave, or to shut up, are actually just a big a part of the unrest and bad forum vibes. It is just, that many of those people are actually not realizing that they are part of the problem. My side in the matter is, yes I am disappointed and feel to a big degree betrayed by wh. But still you can keep a decent tone. That goes both for the people complaining and the people trying to defend the devs or the game.


If someone is actually having issues with the game, no viewpoint other than a helpful advice or a viewpoint from the devs, is actually relevant. A counter argument from ignorance does nothing good for a frustrated consumer.

Arguing against problems not experienced first hand is pointless, and actually contributes to more bad vibes.


Exactly!! This is what ppl are failing to understand.

I didnt say that we should consider any opinion that has nothing to do with bugs but to be warhorse’s personal handjob to be equally valid, but if someone has experience a bug but just wails at you hysterically because he can doesnt mean that it’s constructive either.

But… I’m just nitpicking, forgo my previous statement then.

I have been gaming since the early 80’s. It is a natural progression that games have become larger and more complex. The environment is also more complex. When I started, there were no consoles you only had personal computers. 90% of all new releases these days are very buggy. There is very often the cry of “it was released too soon”. That is why I never play any new game until the first patch drops. I have plenty of other games to play and it is much less frustrating to just wait for the first bug fixer before you dive in. I have been waiting since early kickstarter for KCD to come out, and I think overall I am pleased with what i see. But, its going to be much smoother after that first big patch. It always is and its worth waiting for.

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Atari was out then. :wink: we had an atari and my oldest brother had a commodore 64 when he turned 16

Yeah but nice of you to try and speak for everyone and attempt to police/silence those you disagree with.

So the claimers are allowed to come in here a claim the game is broke even if the majority of players don’t have issues. But those without issues are not allowed to come in here a claim the game isn’t broke? Again nice of you to try and silence those you don’t agree with. [quote=“Tau1310, post:1, topic:49856”]
What I am saying is, to get some peace and normal dialog in this forum, LET PEOPLE COMPLAIN and stop being jerks and stop acting as if people with game issues are attacking you personally

Again you are saying this should be a safe space for the vocal minority who are complaining. Those who do not have issues and want to come in here and express the game is not as horrible as you claim it is according to you are not welcome?

Again pretty sad attempt at being the forum police and trying to make this into your own complainers safe space.

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I agree with the notion of this post. I left the game alone for a few weeks until after a few patches because while the game wasn’t broken I knew it would get better. I’m so excited to try again after this large patch as I was thoroughly enjoying the history and the game as it was.

You are going to get more hate for this post but just know that when people start throwing around words like “majority”, “speaking for others” etc they are likely doing the same thing themselves.

Let people have a moan, it doesn’t hurt anyone and something constructive might come out of it. PEople are more likely to complain anyway but people who gush about a non-perfect product have their own issues.

The game is gtreat, it will get better. A lot of love was put into it and it shows. It might not be perfect but nothing is. Take a chill pill, relax and enjoy life.


Unfortunately, this is simply how things are. There are ALWAYS going to be people who are newbies, because that’s where we all start out at. This is always going to be someone’s first “game that shipped with bugs”. If they’re complaining inappropriately from a place of inexperience, we should all do our best to help them along and give them some berth of tolerance (but obviously they CAN and sometimes DO go too far, and then we should beat down those insolent whelps).

I’m currently moderating the forum for a game that got a very successful kickstarter. Unfortunately, the developer made a few communication mistakes that I’m honestly a bit disappointed in. Some people were getting impatient with a lack of even a clue on the release, because they apparently don’t understand the early stages of game development (seriously, this was shortly after the KS was successful, YEARS before release). The main dev (it’s a tiny team) gave in and said “probably late next year.”

… /sigh

Anyone who knows anything about Game Developing knows exactly where this is going. They didn’t ship by the time the window of “late next year” came and went, and even though he only said it to placate the biggest whiners and he said “probably” and gave a large window… people still accused him of lying. The whiny, loud, entitled, spoiled minority of the Gamer community is truly and utterly disgusting.

Give every complaint the initial benefit of doubt. Help them realize the specifics of game developing, bug creation and fixing, and quality game testing. Then give them multiple opportunities to try to understand it. But… don’t tolerate endless lies and abuse. There’s always got to be a mature middle ground.

Also… “and it was well overpriced” - I haven’t seen this complaint. Are people actually complaining about the PRICE?! This incredibly detailed and handcrafted and not-exactly-100%-bug-free game that is priced at sixty dollars, the industry standard? Do they think this is a bargain-basement indie game? Complaining about the price hurts my brain…

But yes… be constructive w/ your criticism. Be helpful with your reply to said criticism. If your point has been made, please don’t make it 714 more times. That’s called being a troll. Be mature and move on with your life and go to another topic. Be empathetic with people who are angered/upset at the bugs (there are some pretty bad ones, nothing game-breaking in MY personal experience). Acknowledge the difference between broad trends and your own personal experience (i.e. no one cares if YOU didn’t experience a certain bug, 80% of players experienced it, so acknowledge that it exists and needs to be fixed).

Or, to summarize… please be a grown up… everyone.

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