The †roll Cave ®™

Judging by the crotch angle there was much more to the toilet story than what has been revealed.


Well ill hopefully be buying GTA tonight can’t wait to shoot up a hospital :smile:

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On second thought i think i will be flying planes into buildings. Because hey if my government does it why can’t i :wink:

@TheDivineInfidel @McWonderBeast
Hows multiplayer working?

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was playing with @McWonderBeast eailer and it was a big laggy but amazing none the less

its been smooth sailing connecting to @TheDivineInfidel is a little more hard on my bandwidth but state side is no issues.

@McWonderBeast doesn’t have the required Internet to deal with my sheer sexiness with my suit and shades :wink:

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Whats your name on steam ill add you so i can join you guys in gta.


This is one good speech. I wish our equivalent of NRA was as professional.

Although pulling Russia, Mexico and Brazil was quite a poor move.

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Whys that? (20 chrs)

Well it is like saying that there is more poverty in Sudan, so you are relatively well off.

If anything, the comparison should be made with developed countries, and that is clearly what Obama meant. UK was industrialized society at the end of 19th century, but surely noone would consider it benchmark for today’s society.

My steam name is "Westy "

Al right i added you. Hows the flying in it? The fourth ones controls were terrible.

@TheDivineInfidel It seems that Moscow, Russia had similar problems in 1952 like Rotherham, England in 2000s.

I don’t see why Russian isn’t a valid comparison. Mexico and Brazil fit with his argument because they have very strict gun control and Mexico is right next door and the cartels are in America in force. Another lovely fact the Obama administration sold thousands of guns to the cartels to try to catch them. Now those guns are being used to murder collage students and border patrol agents.

Because they are poor developing countries. That is like saying “look at that crackwhore on the corner, see, I am a good guy.”

Unless, of course, you wanna say that US is in the same league with these countries, and not with, for example, EU, Japan.

Russia is? I understand it might not be the richest European nation but its not even close to the level of Brazil or Mexico.

Another thing people don’t understand is the U.S has always had a higher murder rate than most European countries. I think its sorta insane to compare the murder rate of the U.S with most European countries seeing how we have states with more people than a lot of countries. How ever it does have a lower violent crime rate than the U.K does.

In Russia, there are several hundred thousand mega rich millionaires who managed to steal what used to be government property under communism. These put the “average” GDP relatively high.

Otherwise Russia is piss poor country. If they wouldn’t sit on the world’s largest oil and gas reserves, they would have nothing. Nada. Zero.

Look at pictures from some Russian rural areas. That is just a tiny bit better than your average African village.

Hmm i never knew that. But Russia is the only country that has the population to even sort of compare to the U.S. A lot of U.S states are bigger both size and population wise than a lot of European countries.
I think having a closed border with Mexico could solve a lot of our crime issues. Our border is the biggest joke in the world and is wide open for drugs, guns and cartel members to stream through.

By my count thats 21 countries smaller than the largest U.S state being California with 33,871,648 people.

Only 6 EU countries have larger populations than California.

On average U.S states have a larger pop or equal pop with EU countries. Which makes it absurd to compare a country like Denmark with the U.S, a comparison which is made quite often.

Gangs thrive in America so well because the government does nothing about them. The open border with Mexico which is controlled by the cartels makes organized crime thrive here. Most U.S gangs have close ties with Cartels.