ARe you going to get GTA 5 @snejdarek?
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” -Woodrow Wilson
He said this after signing the Federal reserve act of 1913.
doesnt matter its measured per 100,000
well boys i bought GTA 5 . Now we wait for that 60 gig download
You told @snejdarek to stop making silly comparisons between London’s crime rate and Pragues crime rate because London has a way bigger population…
Once the KC:D is out and I buy PS4/computer for it I will surely get GTA too. No games planned until then.
Unless I decide to put the money into guns instead, that is, of course. I should also start solving flat purchase in about a year, so I will see what kind of money and time will be on the table. That postponing of KCD doesn’t work well with me, not only because I thought I would get it at the time when I don’t go to range much (winter).
Huh, this is the first time I see British paper going beyond the “Czech” and adding “Roma”.
done it in 45 minutes
errm if im honest ive never heard much mention at all of the cezch republic in the news here . normally its Bulgaria or Romania
Well there are not that many Czechs abroad, and I’d say that many of them are Romanis.
Here Romanis are 2% of general population and 60+% of prison population. I’d guess that they can be anywhere between 30-60% of expats with Czech passports in Britain.
I was attacked on street by Romanis twice when I was younger, skinnier, smaller. One time was pretty bad, I got out without any serious injuries just by mere luck (multiple kicks in torso and head while I was laying on the ground). That one time led me to start carrying knife, until I moved for studies elsewhere in the country.
Anyway, I think it is similar with “Bulgarians” and “Romanians”.
Just a last year three Bulgarian gypsies kidnapped a girl into their car. Witness called the police. The police was pursuing them - sirens and all the shit - and they were trying to rape her during in the car during the chase.
I mean, I get it, there are bad people in the world. But who the fuck continues this even with the cops behind their back?
This doesn’t really ever happen here, but anyway, before that I’d just call the cops and let them deal with it. But after reading this and hearing the girl’s testimony at the court, if I ever happen to see anything like that (someone dragging a girl to car), I am reaching for my gun first and phone second.
60 gig download in 45 minutes? I can only imagine how much you’re paying for your internet. My finished about 2 hours ago. The flying is still crap but ill manage. My dreams of crashing a plane into a building were ruined by a damn police helicopter that collided with me and tore my wings off.
If you’re waiting to get a console or pc in a year then i would definitely get a pc. The ps4 is already getting maxed out by games coming out mean while a decent pc will last you a lot longer for the same price.
What is PS4 now? $400? You can’t really get any meaningful rig for that money, can you? I have now a $550notebook with $200 monitor and it is quite far from able to play any games.
Are you using Mouse and keyboard?
its all about that controller homie.
£50 a month thats including a home phone and my TV package
Yeah you can. You can find tons of cheap budget builds that will allow you to allow out perform the ps4 for around the same price. since you already have a monitor then you’re set in that area. Just google pc budget builds.
Pc also has far cheaper games and free online so that’s even more money saved. You would also be missing out on some great mods that im sure will be made for KC:D.
Another issue with the consoles is you have to buy a whole new one in 4 year but with pc you can just upgrade one part at a time which is far cheaper.
I can’t bring myself to use that inferior device. Ill just have to figure it out like i did with gta 4 and i got to be pretty damn good at flying in that.
Well everyone called conspiracy theorists insane a few years back when they said the police would be using APCs.
Nost people I play with use controller to drive all vehicles and then mouse and keyboard for shooting and everything else.
only inferior in unskilled hands.