The Underutilized and the Useless

One of the things I like most about KCD is the attention to detail. There are however gaps in which things serve limited to no purpose beyond potentially clogging up inventory. This topic is to discuss those things. Hopefully, WH will re-purpose or expand the purpose of these things.


Goblets and chalices - they have value and are useful for selling for groschen but beyond that they are underutilized. We canā€™t place any of them in our ā€˜homeā€™. Not on a table. Not on a shelf. Not in a display case. Not anywhere.

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Bandages - theyā€™re easy to come by as loot. I rarely get cut enough that I bleed out and need them. Even with first aid iii, I canā€™t apply them to wounded wayfarers and guards. Until WH tweaks to expand their use, theyā€™re quite a disappointment.


Even if we could use them to wipe the blood off our weapons, that would be a somewhat useful expansion to their use.


Fabrics - the tailor in Skalitz had them. It built up a false impression in my mind that we might be able to buy cloth and then when we have the right amount of different types get some clothing custom made for us. Nope.


Agreed. Anything. Wipe off weapon. Wipe off face. Bandage one of the occasional NPCs bent over clutching their arm


Candles - can currently only be sold. It would be nice if we could place them on tables or chests to provide a little extra (but temporary) light. Some of those rooms in those inns are very dark.

It would also be great if we could equip and use a travel lantern, the way many villagers do. It could use the candles as fuel. Barring that, have an aquamanile, and use oil or tallow as fuel. Which would be a useful thing to harvest from animals (fat to render into tallow over a fire).


Skins - there seems to be a healthy demand for skins as we have tanners in Rattay, Ledetchko and Talmberg. they buy and sell skins. many of the NPCs carry them. In spite of that, skins donā€™t seem to have any use beyond being thrown on the floor or stuck on a headboard or wall. usage doesnā€™t seem to match number of producers


used a bandage 2 times, at the start. have not used in forever. mind you i am on regular mode.

it is a shame, as for awhile I was fighting with no helmets.

I posted something in a topic I did about ā€œa deeper hardcore modeā€, about wounds getting infected if you didā€™n bandage. also ai using poison on their weapons, that you would need to treat and then bandage.

Leads to potionsā€¦ antidote
(Why should you eat spoiled food?)

and then bandage woundā€¦ so would be adds more to it. antidote? have not used since the outbreak.

I donā€™t get the second question.

If you eat spoiled food, you get poisoned, so you need the antidote, but eating spoiled food is not really an optionā€¦

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Especially if you took the dustbin perk.

The only time I needed to use an antidote was during the monastery quest. So, I agree, if enemies would poison their weapons sometimes, that would make bandages and antidotes more useful.

But in RL, there are mystery meats and contaminated foodsā€¦ with a food 0-100 rating, we lose this risk exposure. And so, antidote is underutilized, and the dustbin perk renders it useless

Heck, the Ledetchko butcher effectively said he sold sketchy meat. This is why I went the more expensive routeā€¦ Sasau butcher. Sketchy meat should provoke an occasional outburst of (explosive) diarrheaā€¦ doubt this happens in Pribyslavitz


Cockerel potion - seems like stuck in banditry forest, weā€™d want to supply our guards with medieval RedBull (as we do later with Seige). Would be useful for to make these potions and add them to the hamlet chest which are then in turn consumed by the guards.

Implement a game mechanic to reward supplying. For example, consider initiating a bandit probe of Pribyslavitzā€™s defense. If guards on Cockerel, thereā€™s early detection. If not, guard/hamlet gets attacked

During medieval times a lot was recicled. If we ever get the ability to make swords ourselves then a lot of those chandlers could be repurposed as scrap metal or gold and such. Candles could also be very useful. For example to use the wax for lettre seals. Bandages could be turned in cloth. Thing is, there is lots of potential but no exploitation. I think WH needs to read Auchtung Panzer. They will learn that when they have an advantage, they have to completely exploit it.

Quartermaster or captain of the guard - in preparation for the Talmberg attack, the quartermaster had us do a number of things (get meat, etc). It turned out to be a little glitchy but the concept was nice.

Rather than via the Locator, I wish Pribyslavitz had a quartermaster or capt of guard who offered guard related improvement activities.

All of us have likely harvested some premium gear. Even if WH doesnā€™t enable a user controlled NPC equip mechanic, it would be nice if we could give gear to the quartermaster so that our guards could get the upgrade(s). He could even make gear requests that we fulfill by harvesting and purchasing.

If WH were to implement a Pribyslavitz attack/defense combat mechanic, this NPC would facilitate that too (like Ruin but squad level activity and without need to harvest spurs and ears)


I think they should add more immersion to the Tavern with the maid coming and pouring a drink but if you have a chalice equipped the mini cut scene heā€™ll have his own cupā€¦thatā€™d be dope.


get a deck of cards, throw a candle on the table at the Tavern and have some drinks and play some games


If you go butcher route, thereā€™s a meat banquet. How about a good word from the priest and bailiff to kick it off?

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