The Unofficial Great Job Warhorse Studio Topic

Just noticed there is all sorts of topics related to Gameplay Combat Language etc, but no topics up to extend a huge thanks to all the Devs and Admins at Warhorse Studios for doing such an amazing job making what Im sure most of us would consider to be one of the best most original well planned and thought out games of the decade. So here it is… To Warhorse studios… I first took notice of this amazing project of yours back last year before it even had a name. Seen footage of the first town with the little creek and farmers fields sitting along a tree bank showing off the textures and lighting. Thought to myself what in the fantastic hell is this and when can I get it. Found myself rewatching the video a few…hundred times just waiting for more news on it praying it wouldn’t disappear in the abyss of games never finished land. No word for a while and then bam!! Kingdom Come!! Took a bit to realize that yes it is indeed that wonderful piece of tech demo that I watched months ago coming together. The second I found out that there was actually a way I could help in the development via kickstarter I was sooo in.

I would have pledged more then my little baron amount but alas I have three kids and am currently changing the trade I work in which means whicked paycut, that and my 30 pounds is actually 60 here yay exchange rate lol. None the less worth every penny and more if I could just so Im able to do everything in my power to see this fantastic piece of art come together. Theres more and more updates videos etc happening more and more often keeping all of us eager fans salivating and wanting more!! So at the end of the day from way way over here in freezing Canada Thank you so much for your time, efforts, originality, attention to detail, and passion for what will be the best game of the year (next year lol) and many years to come… Cheers!!


im with this guy. though its only through kickstarter i have bin wating for a game this pure for a long time. the only thing comming close was mount and blade and thay stoped making single player after the game got big. T_T I cant wate to play this and at a measly 108 USD for barren i dont think im giving enof eather but as well RL strikes. i will watch this games development with bated breath.

the baron isn’t 108, it’s 48 usd

I have scattered my gratitude all over the forum, but here I go again: Warhorse, your game could be the thing that many of us have unsuccessfully looked for in dozens of other games. So far, everything that you have said and shown about the game keeps the high quality and commitment level. I really appreciate the effort to make this game and I hope you will finally succeed. If you do, it could be one of the best games ever made, combining and improving the best elements of the best games of its genre. Thank you.

graylobo is a knight, which is why the 108 USD, that being said… good on ya .

I wish for the Warhorse: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” You have the vision, that is the way how to make the product. It is much better to have a vision first, not a plan how to make a lot of money and then changing the vision for more bucks. ( of course make a lot of money too :smile: ).

I have been very active in the beginnings of the forum. My activity decreases with every videoblog though. No matter how much we speculate in any thread here, the devs seem to come up up with something even better every time. I give up :smile:

I have to say that every time I’ve seen the people from Warhorse in the update videos they have looked very tired (even Dan).

I know that you all must be working very hard at the moment to make the video updates for Kickstarter, try to answer everyone’s 1001 questions and still find time to actually work on the game.

Please know that myself (and I’m sure all the 1000’s of other people who backed this game) are incredibly appreciative of the time and effort you are putting into making this game a reality, and that despite all the challenges you have had to face to even get to this point (and the many that are still to come) we truly believe that you will overcome them and emerge victorious in the end.

That’s all a Kickstarter pledge is in the end, a show of faith that we believe in you. :smiley:

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First heard about this game a week ago and was soon totally into this one.
Since i am a madman when it comes to medieval age things like swords, knights,kings, batles…pledging for this kickstarter was just the next logical step :-)!!
Keep up the great work and we all shall achieve the million-strech goal!!!

The 800K seems to be almost at a hand’s reach. After all the trouble Warhorse Studios went through, getting close to three times the worth of the money they asked for must make a solid sense of justification and accomplishment. All deserved. The amount of effort to prove everything they’ve been writing and talking about only cements the quality of their vision.
One more thing I hope for is that this game would eventually help Warhorse to a similar sort of success that the CD Projekt RED achieved with The Witcher games. Kingdom Come is not just an RPG with an original concept. It’s also a kind of a statement to the gaming industry and hopefully it will have some lasting influence on its genre in the years to come.
Many thanks to the Warhorse Studios for creating this game.
And to everyone who backed this project to help putting it in motion.

Yes, heartfelt thanks to Warhorse for making the game so many of us have been wanting for years! I’m glad you’ve managed to prove to your investor that his faith in you was justified. :smiley:

Just noticed there is all sorts of topics related to Gameplay Combat Language etc, but no topics up to extend a huge thanks to all the Devs and Admins at Warhorse Studios for doing such an amazing job making what Im sure most of us would consider to be one of the best most original well planned and thought out games of the decade. So here it is… To Warhorse studios…

So, what’s the game like, seeing as you have obviously played it, heaping praise and thanks on Warhorse for making such a wonderful game despite only about twenty minutes of early alpha footage having been released so far all these months before its release.

TOUGHGUY I have obviously not played it no. But those many alpha footage videos (which look better then most finished games) are just a small glimpse as to what is coming. But its not just about the extremely well done graphical content… Its the idea of having an RPG that is soaked with realism and detail in ways no other games have successfully achieved. Considering how alpha this game is they have worked very hard to show us as much as they can as it develops and have done promptly and regulated very well. If you cant see the vision they have for there complete product your blind. You must see something in the game or you wouldn’t have backed it. None the less this is not the topic to complain about being left in the dark on there progress because in here thanks are in order and Warhorse is most successfully not leaving any of us in the dark. Good job out to Warhorse!! TOUGH GUY find another topic to complain in…

The best way you can all extend your gratitude would be to spread the word on your facebook, twitter, youtube, tumblr, blogs, other games forums, etc.

I guess we’ll reach the £800k stretch goal in 5 days, but it would be REALLY AWESOME to reach the £900k stretch goal in time!

Let’s quit thanking them on a forum, and get our friends/etc. to start pledging! (or upgrade your own pledge)


That’s what I’ve been doing. Each day I share the link on Facebook to one of the update videos they’ve posted. I’m very excited for this project and I hope that some friends may be enticed to jump on the bandwagon.

I am very grateful for Warhorse’s courage in trying to self-publish such an ambitious project. If not for the hard work they’ve already put in I doubt the Kickstarter would have bought so much good faith. That work is paying off now in community support which should in turn impress their investor.

Great job so far Warhorse! Please keep up the effort and know that you have a proven fan base for your game no matter what the industry tries to tell you.

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Yup spreading the word for sure. Im pretty sure I have a few friend that have joined the baron bandwagon. And every forum related to gaming I make mention of this one and its kickstarter program as well as on steam. The more people know the bigger money they get hooraw!!

Adding something to my previous post: Thanks for Warhorse for working on these update videos giving us an insider look behind the scenes. I just watched the video for smithing the higher tier reward swords (Update #16) and they were commenting on how blacksmithing in the game will follow a similar process. It really got me excited for crafting in the game. Then I realized that they put this video out on a Sunday which means someone is working hard on the weekend to provide us with these peaks behind the curtain. So thank you for the work on the updates; they are adding excitement!

upgraded to baron but never got the upgrade for forum.

So this is the unofficial bumlicker thread?

Cool, I want to be in as well… :stuck_out_tongue:

Just recieved the "succesfull payment!-mail by Kickstarter! 1300 Pounds poorer now but happy to have supported this awesome game!!
Keep up the good work!