This Game is kind of Creepy!AvfgRg7U2PvjhimEUYEhkgEbg-uP

“BSSsssssSSSSSsssss” :honeybee:

THAT FUGGIN BEE!!!.. I throw my head to the side every time playing with headphones :smiley:

I think the most scared I got in this game was when the bridge into Rattay didn’t load quickly while I was on it and I thought I was going to fall to my death. That’s some scary shit when your last save is like 3.5 hours ago lol.

I know how you feel, but there are things MUCH creepier in this game :slight_smile:

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this is something you don’t want to come across in the dark


This game is excellent at night, nights SHOULD be dark and creepy when out in the woods away from towns. In fact, the woods need to be full of wolves and bears and cougars, maybe a badger or two
not just little harmless bunny rabbits(although good to hunt them too). And if this game was into the fantasy theme(which it is not but thats ok) I would love to see much more creepy and dangerous things in those woods, such as werewolves, ghouls, undead, treants, witches, etc etc. I run mods to put more bandits in game, I wouldnt want to ever disable that mod.

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Ohhh??? Like what?

Hahahaa!! Awesome!

Creepy? How about dread and doom
 Myth II: Soulblighter is an ancient game now. One thing I loved about that game was the sense of doom and desperation. That sense seems lacking from this pillaged land.

If only Henry had been in Merhojed when the attack was launched. And, if Henry had a vested interest in one or more of the residents, and he/she/they died in battle. Henry being armed saves the day (or game over). Whew! Relief? not, plague

travel thru woods between Sasau-Ledetchko or Neuhof-Rattay and see a large Cuman encampment or column marching. race ahead to alert guards, etc.

refuse beggar’s feast? Skalitz refugees start to die. you have to help deal with that. accept beggar’s feast and head out for game (meat) and another encampment/column to warn about/deal with.

the killing of all Cuman and bandits in nest of vipers (during a sabotage mission) wearing only moderate armor (eg only hose on legs) and by myself removed any sense of doom or desperation

the 3 Cuman camps in the forest south of Talmberg should pose an existential threat and should be recognized as such (earlier) in the game. heck, the huntsman is supposed to know what’s going down in his forest

Are you playing Logan Paul simulator?


I determined to keep playing this offline until they fix the big bugs and the bugs the new patches come with.

Yeah, they should have put some creepy witches into the game. I love the ones in witcher 3. Superbly done.

That would rock, but I think they wanted to stay away from fantasy theme.

If you’re on console you should be able to turn off auto update
since it’s an offline game you should be able to play any version shouldn’t you? Unless it’s a huuuuuge game changing/make you restart kind of patch?

I completely agree that the Witchiness factor in the woods should be taken to the Nth degree. I would love to have a quest line to track down rumors of monsters or occult beings but in an historically accurate way.
I put forth the proposition of a gothic themed Vlad the Impaler DLC set in the Carpathian Mountains. Complete with snowy aspen and pine forests, ferocious wildlife, gothic castles, and VLAD THE FUCKING IMPALER!!!

Lady Stephanie getting turned on when you wear her father’s clothing.
Lock-picking a horses ass.
Sharing a bathtub with Sir Hans.
Waking up in suspicious circumstances with various farm animals.
Pretty much every “Accident” location in the game.
The combination of items strewn about in many ruined cabins.
Flushing a murder of crows off the human corpses they were eating.


Yes, this game can be creepy. However, it still doesn’t match what I consider the gold standard of creepy in a game.

The absolute creepiest thing I’ve ever seen in a game is the beachside hotel level in Vampire: The Masquerade. Bloodlines.

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Haven’t been really creeped out in this game yet, but there are some unusually dark-themed places you can visit.

Way to the South of Rattay, deep in the forest, is a poaching site. Check the cauldron, and don’t eat. Might want to poke around the grave a bit as well.

A bit NorthEast of there is a house with some very strange goings on.

To the East of there, at the headwaters of a stream, is an abandoned herbalism hut that had some strange happenings and a special item to make it all the more creepy.

SouthWest of Uzhitz and a bit into the woods is the witch’s house from Hansel and Gretel. Check the stone oven and cages.

If you know where old Vranik is, and manage to get in before the game takes you there, you’ll find all sorts of evidence of devilry.


lock picking a horses ass?

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U must’ve not took the paths I’m always running in wayfarers