To score a 10 out of 10, what does WH need to do to KCD?

I stopped playing all together. Not sure if I’ll ever come back to this game. They changed combat so drastically, making it entirely too difficult (the combat system just isn’t intuitive. it’s entirely too squirrelly.) and made it impossible to use the large majority of my favorite mods, so I gave up on it. It just wasn’t very fun anymore.

Fixing the bug so it stops freezing would be nice also falling through the ground and dying sucks. They could at the very least make the game playable.

The three biggest things for me is enhancing the AI a lot in every aspect. Its ok right now but I would like even smarter and more natural ai.
Have wayyyy more polearms. Like all guardsmen need to have polearms except archers. Witcher 3 did a good job with this.
Revisit stealth please. To me, I’m a high stealth level, and when people are sleeping and I kill one guy stealthily everyone wakes up. Other aspects of stealth could be improved.
I hope they stray away from cryengine honestly.


Never happened to me.

Man this game still has the potential to get a gamer rating up in the 9 category, when the bugs get squashed and they let the community have its way.
If we the gamers can lose ourselves in the immersion of the game, I.e. filling the empty parts of the game with life and choices, then this game could stay relevant for years to come. Right now it’s a play and delete off your system type of game.
A ten is never going to happen for KCD, but WH next game should be. I give this game a high rating despite a buggy empty world. It’s a First Person ‘Slasher’ not an RPG but still great because it’s different and new.

Nice rain effect. I’m on PC too but my rain looks not so clear.
I have to look very carefully until I see it

Not if it´s night and you took a nighthawk potion. Then you can see nothing but the rain :smiley: My screen is basically 90% white.

I think children should be unkillable by any means. However, having them does add a lot of complexity to situations.
=You come across a beggar who is a child. Are you more likely to give them money or food?
=You wipe out a bandit camp only to find out there are several small children hiding in a tent. What do you do with them?

At least they put in old people. Most games wont even do that.

Well I think the game is very good, but some things that is find missing are:

  1. Weapons: Halberds and Spears?, Crossbows and maybe Gunpowder weapons?
  2. Combat: Horse Combat, Enemies and Allies should use it and maybe make it a bit easier to hit from a horse?
  3. As commonly stated Childs
  4. Reputation: You should not loose rep if you commit a crime no one sees or gets to know about, but you should be like -100 if any1 ever finds out about a murder etc.
  5. Some way to get Guards or hire people, feels strange a single “Knight”, Man at Arm rather goes around hunting Bandits on his own.
  6. Bugs, Theres not too many bugs but I met 2 annoying: Baptism by Fire Cutscene-Crash and the like 1/100 to find Wayfarer in long fastravels thing.

Althought there may be reasons like budget for these things not being in the Game, I still think it would need them to be perfect.


It does. If pulling it off means another paid DLC, so be it. Rather spend another $60 on DLCs that add complexity and richness to KCD than on RainbowSix Seige or Horizon Zero Dawn

Can’t even give alms to the numerous refugees

The rep mechanic that’s bothering me now is in combat. I try to help out the guards. Once in a while, a stray swing hits a guard. The imprisonment bit is a bit much since I save their butts more times than I can count. I wish KCD progressed as follows: a warning (‘that one was free’) is given for first erroneous strike, fine for the second (in proportion to damage of strike), third jail (your strike resulting in over half damage causing permanent disability), fourth kill on sight