Voice actors... Who's voice do you want to hear in the game?

Gotta admit his teeth looks really authentic for the medieval period! :stuck_out_tongue:

Liam Neeson. That guy has already played huge roles in video games so we know he can do it well, plus that fact he is a total badass

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Agreed Liam Neeson did well in Fallout 3 and his voice is defiantly powerful enough to be a commander in the army or something like that

Helena Bonham Carter.

That is all.

David Hasselhoff. He’s cheap I guess.


Robert Carlyle would be amazing! He speaks Gabriel Belmont in Castlevania

I don’t have any idea what kind of budget there’d be for all the names being brought up here, but they’re good ideas if the chance is there. I still think even if Sean Bean could be hired for this, it’d be funny if he started as a narrator and got “killed” before being replaced. Everyone knows “he” dies anyway.

As for BRIAN BLESSED, I leave you with this:

“I ain’t no fool!!!” He should voice the protagonist then :wink:

Everything is better with Brian Blessed in it!!

I pity the fool who wants to kidnap the king! classic

That is the greatest idea in the history of ideas.

OH Stewen Fry would be incredible. That is probably as close as noble man as you can get.

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A bottle and a burger is cheap.

And would probably deliver a better perfomance than David Hasselhoff too :wink:

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Sean Bean is always amazing. Maybe he can live for longer than 2 acts?? Think of the tension!

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Have him survive all three acts only to be killed off in the epilogue!!!

How about Christopher Lee? Nobody has a voice like him… :frowning:


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Ooooh now that would be interesting. The player can’t even stop it, heart break.

Exactly… And the ending credits should be “Do you really think we would him live?”

Morgan Freeman as narrator.