Warhorse Studios Makes A New Game: What would you want it to be?

Which engine is good for lots of NPCs?

Sorry @Zub, but I don’t have a solution. I think you are far more informed on the subject than me.


The cutscene (final battle) in bastards seems like a workaround to me

Yeah, won’t be Bannerlord but doesn’t have to be

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I don’t need big battles, for me the main atmosphere is a good story with an interesting map where there are forests, fields and villages with cities of that time. This game is primarily solitary and leisurely, which is why it is interesting. And I would also like to slightly improve the graphics (to the beta version) for even more complete immersion. All that was in the first part to do better and more and that will be enough!

The True KCD!

Yeah, I know about their decision. And as for me it was a bad one. No offence, but Cryengine is not the best choice when it comes to the optimisation and performance.

A lot was said about how gfx in beta and various content teasers was better than what we finally got.

Pertinent to the engine topic


yeah it’s a medieval life sim, which is a very attractive feature of kcd, at the same time, combat is a big part and i believe the scope of the combat is not fully explored. full scale battles, sieges along walls? and not skirmishes
the hussite war is the natural evolution of this sub genre and probably will be warhorse’s next game. will have medieval life sim PLUS battlefield simulation

Yes but what about a medieval Czech game on their history in that time period which I know nothing off

And how hard is it to ask for a little interaction as game keeper u can’t even treat gods in the buckets or thin out the skin over the log I would love to see interaction in that way

They should make an engine update. KCD uses CryEngine 3.x and now 5.6 is available for developers.
Of course this requires some work and can cause new bugs that needs to be fixed, but there are a lot games that gets an engine update and even some that weren’t that old.

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Absolutely agree. The new engine is leaps and bounds beyond where it was ten years ago.

Here’s a newly released tech demo, if you’d like to see the possibilities.

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Unfortunately the devs said they did too much work on CryEngine 3.x to make it compatible to their RPG and they won’t switch the engine and do all that work again. So I hope that doesn’t mean even KCD 2 will use an engine from 2011.

And a tech demo looks always better than a full game with a huge open-world filled with tons of NPCs and physics and where you should can ride without fps drops. But nevertheless this new engine would be a major quality and performance upgrade to KCD. Maybe it doesn’t cost that lot work to upgrade the engine from 3.x to 5.6. Note that v4 of the engine never existed.

We can only hope.

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I love the game for its consistancy and If they were to do a LOW magic/fantasy game with a similar feel It would be great.
I understand the problems with open world but it would be nice to have, say a multi player size of say 6 in such a setting.
I have played in in the RPG setting of Harn since the early eighties and its feel would be captured well with the warhorse treatment.

No multiplayer please.

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as an add on, multiplayer would be ok. joint missions/quests/battles could have a lot of potential. but, hope the core game is kept single player

it’s not just 3.x to 5.6. it highly tampered with 3.x to 5.6. 5.6 is likely not backwards compatible with the (highly) customized stuff 
 unless WH was rebuilding elements of 5.x in parallel. possible but doubt.

This is an atmospheric single player game, it does not need multiplayer.