Hi, I have some questions for Joanna:
First, let me say how delighted I am that Warhorse has a “Historical Accuracy” person! So many games try to make things look medieval to the untrained eye, but to anyone with real interest it’s easy to see where they didn’t know what was truth from what is commonly accepted fiction. So I’m VERY glad that you work at Warhorse! Of course I also understand all the constraints you and your coworkers are under so I don’t think anyone expects a perfectly historical game. When it comes to medieval historical accuracy so many things are still unknown and there are sometimes several opposing views on what the truth really was, and what I personally find most exasperating is the medieval people’s near total lack of consistency and standardization! So on to my questions!
What are your main sources of information on historical material, architecture, clothing, agriculture, weapons, armor, etc for the game? Do you often search for answers from multiple sources to compare the opinions? What source is your favorite and why?
Thanks for your participation in this project!
Phoenix Arizona, USA