First of all thank you and congratulations for the release.
As there are already 1 million sold copies, I sincerely hope that instead of developing part 2 you will first polish and extend KCD 1 
1: What was the reason to set the release date to February. You said yourself that you wish you had more time to polish the game?
2: Will you polish the models and animations after the most serious bugs are finished?
2.1: The weapons depiction is a mess at the current state IMHO the best examples are the scabbards (And I will rant about it till the day they are finished :D) . So will you fix these issue (after fixing the bugs of course). Don’t forget Mount and Blade from 2009 had them! Do not forget your artworks feature this
2.1.1. Scabbards are displayed inconsistently in some cuteness no one has scabbards, then in the game they have them (best example is the Skalitz Raid cutscene and the cumans afterwards). Another inconsistency is that sir robard has a sword with scabbard in the Henry arrives at talmberg scene but then a mace in-game but in the cutscenes afterwards (Kitchen) a sword without a scabbard! Will you fix these inconsistencies?
2.1.2. Daggers have no scabbards at all, will you fix this?
2.1.3. Long knives, sabres, saxes have no scabbard, will you fix this?
2.1.4. There are no suspenions for maces, hammers and scabbards (except Sir Radzig, Sir Hanush) Will you fix this as well?
2.1.5. Shileds and Quivers have no slings will you fix this?`
2.1.6. Will you fix the depiction of the wearing the bow itself, as it is glued onto the model with a bow scabbard for example?
2.2. If you answer no to any of the questions 2.1.1 to 2.1.6 could you provide an explanation?
3: Will you polish your gameplay elements like horse combat?
Will you try to add things you scrapped due to technological reasons (flails)?
For how long do you plan to support this game content and polish wise?