What do you think of first person?

Hmm most posts on the combat system session.
I think this simple discussion without any goals of bringing chance to the game gets too much attention.
(but most replies comes from me, so half it)

By the way, every post has this little “edit” button down there. It’s for editing/adding new stuff to the last post until someone else replies. So that you wouldn’t have to pointlessly create long chains of independent posts. Most people here know how to use it.
This is a discussion forum, not a chat.

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Learn to edit!

You can’t talk about 1st-person and leave immersion aside!
Because that’s one of the main points. But you don’t like to talk about immersion because it doesn’t fit with 3rd-person. Immersion is about the feeling of being there, and 1st-person feels by far more “there” than 3rd-person. It’s the best we’ve got so far.

Please, move your head, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes separately in 3rd-person.
See, I can make nonsensical points too.

Interesting idea, but what if there’s a surprise attack or an ambush when you are walking through the forest. Imagine this, the attackers are hiding behind bushes or big rocks or something like that, you haven’t seen them because it’s an ambush. Now, the game would have to switch into 1st-person automatically, just in case because of the imminent danger of one of the bandits could jumping out of his bush to attack you. That would be stupid because there wouldn’t be any surprise, as soon as the perspective would have been switched you would think: “Oh, there must be someone hostile nearby”. In 1st-person this wouldn’t happen.


immersive (ɪˈmɜːsɪv)

  1. (Electronics) providing information or stimulation for a number of senses, not only sight and sound: immersive television sets.


So first person is only better due to the immersion, so doesn’t matter to you how messed up the combat is, as long as have it. And like multiple times, the immersion difference between first en third person is almost nothing, for the reasons, previously discussed in top comments.

Wtf are you talking about?
The combat of Kingdom Come was designed from scratch to be in 1st-person!
The game is in development for two years now.
Nothing is messed up, they’re improving it day by day.


I think first person is better for this game because it was initial design choice and the game has already been developed as first person for some time.
The combat at this stage would be probably messed in third person. At this point concentrating effort in to adding/switching to third person would be a fundamental design change and that is something @warhorse was founded to avoid.
I personally tend to enjoy more games where I play in first person. Third person games are cool too, but I get often annoyed by camera angle changes that are inherent to this point of view.
First person has its drawbacks, but I feel that most of them are often caused by either incorrectly set up mouse sensitivity or FOV (which both tend to be adjustable in games)

If development of proper third person doesn’t detract from main development I have nothing against it. Although if it would draw resources away from main game development and first person polishing I have strong objections against implementing third person view. Please be aware that contrary to what some people here believe it is quite challenging to implement anything that wasn’t in plans from beginning. Especially something that follows you through whole game as point of view. Arguments that CryEngine has internal third person view are in my opinion invalid as third person view in game means something else than just putting camera outside of characters body. It means often reworking or adjusting almost all core game mechanics.


I love the idea of a fully 1st person game!
3rd person should be used only for character customization.

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Just to compmlement the post a bit:

This system is implemented so hitboxes of your character adjust properly to how much you’re behind the cover. I’m really sad they have removed the cover mechanic from the third game by the way. It works, because the game is designed to played in FP.

Obviously, you could implement it in 3rd person as well, but that would cost a good amount of money and development.

This is due to many first person games using low FOV values. The setting that is supposed to be most comfortable to the human eye is 90+. Many PC games use the same FOV that consoles do because they have been ported from consoles. Consoles use somewhere around 55-75 FOV.

When you put a screen 3 ft from your face, your brain expects to see more than when it is 5-6 ft away like a TV would be. As a result, if you use a lower FOV you may experience motion sickness, headaches etc…

I normally do not experience anything like this. And then I played TESO in first person mode… Probably the lowest FOV I have ever seen.

So if the devs are listening right now, please ensure you have a FOV option!

Could you please stop bringing up “Immersion” as an argument, because it is very weak.

While “Immersion” is certainly important, it’s not a binary status of a gameplay, nor is is it achievable with using one technique and avoiding another.
Immersion comes through consistency, causality and a logical structure of a game. The simplest graphic and gameplay mechanic can be immersive. Look at “Thomas Was Alone”.

Most people use “Immersion” only to support their opinion.

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You’re right, but to my mind ambush are more discreat than simple assholes hidden under little stones lol

was always a Gothic fan and liked Gothic over Oblivion, one of the reasons was the third person
in this case however I will gladly ignore that and enjoy the game in first person, I hope the combat will make up for that
btw: don’t worry this will be one of the first mods :smiley:

Can’t post this video often enough.
Too many people still don’t know what FOV is.
And that it is very important!

This is most of the time part of a shit port.

Sometimes developers don’t care to adjust it or implement options, and in other cases they even forbid the change via console or ini-tweaks! Best example is Modern Warfare 3 (SP), in previous CoD games you could at least bind it simply together with the forward key (or any other key). In MW3 you had to use a goddamn hack (little external program enforcing the desired FOV). So, they forbid the adjustment of FOV, which means, they knew very well about FOV and that people want to change it, but they just basically said: "FUCK YOU, you aren’t allowed, dumb costumer, enjoy your motion sickness, Mwahahaha!"
Good thing, I didn’t buy that crap.

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As have I, its lots of work to implement 3rd person properly, but like I mentioned before 3rd person is built in with CryEngine so a rudimentary form of it already exists. However, I’m not here arguing FOR 3rd person, I’m just sayin’ it kind of already comes with it.

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Problem is that you dont know how they modified first person to make combat work. So turn 3ps on migth not be possible. And even if it would be. GAME IS … DESIGNED TO 1PS. Geez…

No third person please!
I backed this game exactly because Warhorse promised that Deliverance will be first person only!
Sorry to all folks out there bragging about 3rd person, but you shouldn’t have backed a game which do not plan to support it. Simple as that.


Yes I know, that’s my point. First person is better and the game is designed around it, but if people want to handicap themselves by playing an unmodified 3rd person there’s little point in Warhorse trying to prevent it/disable it completely. Sure trying to use it would suck (probably), but that’s the point. We don’t want Warhorse to put effort in making 3rd person wonderful and all that. But putting effort in to deliberately disable it/remove it completely seems detrimental.

Of course they’re going to disable third person if it were to break the game. Unmodified third person view might actually cause a lot of issues - we’re not talking about FPS here where all you need to do is to keep track of your crosshair. I have no idea how gameplay mechanics are going to work, but it’s perfectly possible that the will be tied directly to the perspective, and in that case, disabling third person view is exactly what Warehorse should do.

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If you think so…

I always say give the players enough rope to hang themselves with if they want to…

I am of two minds about this. On one hand I would like to shut up the people that are saying that 3rd person is easy to create by providing them the basic 3rd person view so they see on their own, how broken an unplayable it will be. On the other hand can you imagine the amount of complains that the game is broken if this would be done?