What do you think of first person?

What do you think of the first person choice Warhorse made?

Personally I think they should do it in third person or you should have that option. I put gameplay above most things, and think these choices should be made, in function of the gameplay.
(The devs have already made up their mind about the first person, I asked them, so don’t expect chance, unless this topic becomes an magical unicorn)

Firstly, they decided first person for immersion, like most games do. And first person is mainly cheaper, unless you have a camera like kingdom come: Deliverance has, with has its own share of problems that need to be fixed, like 3rd person camera’s.

First Person vs Third Person (in the case of kingdom come)

  1. For reaching real immersion I think that that tiny bit of HUD won’t be a problem at all.
    But unless you have several screens, surrounding you or watch through the oculus rift, you will have an unrealistic view.

  2. You can tweak the FOV, but that only means further objects won’t be that visible, also, you get basic FOV problems. And in a game where you need a perfect representation of lengths, motion and distance, then these FOV problems become very annoying.

  3. People also experience motion sickness problems more with first person. (I don’t, so I can’t give my own opinion on this)

  4. Because a game only has a limited feedback options (visual and some directional sound), games naturally have to rely on HUD or other forms of information. 3rd person creates this information about your character, and its surroundings. With the conversations, being in a different mode, the first person doesn’t create problems like “Who is talking?, Am I?”.

  5. Spatial awareness, does a lot for me. I’m not that predator type, that only wants to see things that I’m hitting or aiming at. I, like in reality, am able to do different actions at the same time. Looking at different things, while I’m hitting other things. Or I always have a feeling (with sound, lighting, air, …) of what is happening behind and around me. You don’t get this with first person. UNLESS you add a mini-map, which means HUD, which means less immersion, which is also different “windows/screens”.

I can specify further my arguments or give examples, just let me know, discuss, disagree, etc… (I feel like this is needed to be said these days)

Overall, the world, setting, story, characters and character customization of the game, is enough for me. But this doesn’t satisfy my desire for a good medieval (-isch) combat game.

Current Conclusion

From what I’ve seen in the comments: KCD is bound to try being immersive, going first person gives them that small stap closer to immersion.
But people still want to inspect their character armor in the environment, have a more scenic, able to see long disstances (which is done better with third person FOV) Or to see the animations.
So I think a simple ability to rotate around your character, in third person, while out of combat and not doing actions, would be a great addition to the game, without requiring any (really few) camera programming, animation reworks or redesign of certain mechanics.


I’m 100% fine with them doing it this way and prefer they make it the best it can be with the technology they’re using for it.


I am also fine with first person view… I had no problem with it in tes series and I don’t expect problem in Kingdom as well


I prefer FPS over 3rd person. My favourite is still isometric though, but that doesn’t really work for this type of game. I got other kickstarters for that :stuck_out_tongue:

3rd person view just bothers me most of the time for some reason. Only way I kind of like it is temporarily to get a cool view of my character, but then I’d go back into FPS to play.


Well in Elder Scrolls (=TES?) you still had the option, fleshed out option, for third person. So that satisfied me.
The first person just felt clumpsy and uncontrolled
(for me)


Well for being accurate, for stabbing,trusting, or shooting with your gun (FPS), you are better, because then you have a target, which gets your full attention. That’s why its obvious that in 3rd person, you automatically zoom in, to where you are breathing over the shoulder of the character. To aim.
But in most occasions, I want to be able have a controlled sight over the rest of the field (other enemies arriving, or the enemies did a fast move aside, or different terrain beside, below or behind me)
But in the case of kingdom come, you will be fighting one-on-one, so I guess it isn’t essential, the spatial awareness.


I understand where you’re coming from with this, but I always get the feeling that I have to look past my character, when I’m playing in 3rd person. He’s kind of in the way. But I would like to be able to change on the fly like Skyrim.

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There are games that use only first person view and nobody is making any complaints. And there are some games which have both views, but peoples are using almost only first person. I trust to developers about their way, how game will be looking and I don’t think that something such as point of view is so important to discuss.

Indeed, that’s one of the budget issues 3rd person gets. They need to tweak the view, maybe add a button with a switch shoulder view and so. But again, this in the way aspect, is a problem when aiming, or inspecting, and therefore most games zoom you in while aiming or inspecting.

The combat isn’t the selling point for me anymore, with this first person choice. But the world itself, setting, story and clothing system sells it for me.
I know people are just used to first person, which is dominant in action games, where your view aligns with the character. But I also have the idea that the masses of people are often wrong or have a bad taste, like why poor eye-candy movies sell that much, or COD sells that much (don’t continue to talk about COD plz)

From what I have seen of the game’s combat system, being able to clearly see an opponents blade and target parts of his body is going to be vital. Thus first person does seem more optimal. However I do believe that there should at least be a mirror view to see surrounding objects.

euhm okay… ? so you don’t see the link? Explain why or what not. Because you said that you find that the character is in the way when in 3rd person, I said, that you’ll need to tweak things, add options, which result in higher cost. So I dunno what you are trying to say otherwise, that you like to be able to switch between views? I just want the option of 3rd person in combat. So I dunno why first person option should be removed. And still when zooming in 3rd person moves the character out of the way.

What do you mean with mirror view?
Again, the first person is not an issue! I just think third person would make it better. Definitely while fighting multiple opponents, but if you want to see that disadvantage as a game mechanic, I guess its like in most games, to make the backstabbers (stealth / assassin / flanking types) have an easier job.

First person is fine and even preferred, I will only use 3rd person in action capture, if available. But I would very much demand the possibility to have the view split into three monitors, so I can have the proper feel of peripheral vision and realistic near-180° angle of visibility. And to go easy on the devs, I would even agree that the side-monitors images get blurred out to save the graphical computational power and to be realistic. I imagine I should be able to see someone coming on the peripheral monitor, judge their size and recognize the color of their clothing, but that’s it.

I much prefer 1st person, particularly if going to occulus rift one day

I agree with you, Vincent. To me, 3rd person has always been more immersive than FP. The fact that I never have a realistic field of sight in FP annoys me so much that I generally prefer to see my character in full. Especially in an RPG it would just make sense to me that you can see your char. With all that focus on customization and what not I find it absurd that you should see your gear only in the menu and in cutscenes. It takes the whole fun of said custozation away.
I also think that the combat system would work just as well in 3rd person as in FP. You would have the same combat cursor and the same movements. The difference of perspective between Over-The-Shoulder and FPS should be minimal, especially if the camera automically zooms in for combat.
For those who disagree with me the FPS is there anyway, but I’d really wished the devs would have at least given us a choice, like in Skyrim, as a few already mentioned.
I’m still going to play and love the game, since it does so much else right - and who knows, maybe KC will finally be the one game that convinces me that FPS can work? - but I’m sure I’d enjoy it even more from third person.


Personally? I get motion sick from first person, particularly if they begin shaking the camera around when going over rough ground or in combat. That will make me motion sick in seconds.

I hope that, since they are going to lock in first person, that they give us the option to damp camera shake so I don’t get sick.

If you read their FAQ on the kickstarter page carefully, you will know that they’ve already decided to make it first person.

Yeah I know, before I backed them, I asked them if they could include third person, an argued with the same notes. But they said they decided already. But that doesn’t stop me from discussing =) or just see the generally opinion of the community.

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