What do you think of first person?

All theses problems, from HUD, FOV to spatial awareness are removed when you have oculus rift or multiple screens. But most people don’t have that.
And I would even want third person in oculus rift, I have no idea how that will look, but I still want the visual replacement of directional sound, wind and the head and hand separation.

Well, if you are asking opinion, then probably a lot of people will support third person. Personally, I like both first and third person view. Just like the Skyrim. However, if you ask me pick one of them, I would definitely choose first person.

they should start deleting reposted threads

Personally I prefer 1st person, it gives me that feel that I am actually being someone and not just controlling a guy.
Games with only 3rd person is an huge turn off (for me).

I think it could be a good idea to put both in the game.
As a player, I’d rather to play in 3 person, cause of my surely narcissic side that want to see the character.
Have the choice between 1st or 3rd is good !

Options are always the best. And if enough people want this, then maybe they will do it. But however any extra option or feature they’ll have to add, will mean a decrease in time for promised features, which almost everyone will dislike.

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I would also like the possibility to play in 3rd person. It allow also to really see character appearance and interactions with environment and other characters. In my case it would be an appreciated option.

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The gameplay 1st person is quite ok. If there is an option, I usually choose 3rd person most of the time, save for some specific situations (firing from a bow, going stealthy, searching for some particular small stuff in the environment… or just because I feel like it), but I don’t see any problem with the way it’s planned for KCD. I think it will be a quite interesting experience and I’m really looking forward to it.

The most I would think of for the 3rd person here would be an option restricted for pushing and holding a certain button for an outside player-centered camera, just for, let’s say, making scenic screenshots. But I’m not even very sure about that.

It’s POINTLESS anyway. First 3rd person mods will be available probably during the first week after release… just let the devs do it the way they want.

I play a good bit of ArmA 3, and I like the system they use that allows free look around you while not changing the direction of your torso. You could quickly get a glimpse behind and around you while parrying (if you dare) or while walking in town you can walk a straight line and look around instead of strafing everywhere.

I’ve heard this nonsense repeated soooo many times on the forum that I hit something every time I read it. :angry: Breath in… Breath out… Breath in… I guess I should get used to it though. There’s a lot of new people. :smiley:

I am fine with first person or third person, but since they are steadfast in their choice of only being first person, I really do hope that they include independent head movement. Arma is a great example of that.

I just backed because of 1st person. 3rd person game mostly all suck in difficulty and godlike field of view. I hope they will never ever make this optional. I am confident, that 3rd person is not possible in this skill based mechanics.
So, they would ruin their complete approach and make this game “unspecial”! :slight_smile:

I think they have to do independent head movement if they want to support Oculus Rift

100% fine with first person view only.

i prefer first person. and i hope for implementation of the oculus rift.

i really dislike third person.


I usually prefer FP in this kind of games. Some people can prefer third person view but say that it’s more inmersive than FP…

And it seems ridiculous the obsession of the people with see character’s armor, in this game (same real life) what matters isn’t the look if not the utility of clothing. Also, in real life you don’t see your aspect except on a mirror and the game aims to be as realistic as possible

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I prefer FP perspective because I can actually feel like I am the character as opposed to 3rd Person where I feel like I’m just controlling some small figure on the screen.

But I do understand those of you who like 3rd Person…

I personally find the rise of third-person view in action games to be unfortunate.

Firstly, I do not find it realistic that I can see the back of my own head. This breaks my sense of immersion (i.e. suspension of disbelief).

Secondly, when my own head / body obscures my view of something, this effect is compounded. How could my own head possibly obscure my view of some object, person, or scenery?

Thirdly, combat is awkward, because I cannot accurately judge where my target is in relation to my body. Games which mix 3PV with ranged weapons overcome this by giving me a huge, glowing crosshair which floats inexplicably through the air in front of me.

So my preference is for realistic first-person perspective.

Having said that, I like having the ABILITY to switch to third person to admire the scenery, take screen shots, etc.

Also, some games do it better than others. I have close to 200 hours in Assassin’s Creed IV, so I can obviously play that way if the game is well designed. Am I fully immersed in the game world? No. It’s just an action game, nothing more.

I want to “live” in Kingdom Come and make it my home. I want to feel like I’m really there, and I think the developers are working hard to achieve exactly that. It’s not just a game about hitting people with swords, but about LIVING in 15th century Bohemia.

I think first person is definitely should be the only option for this game. It’s based on realistic fighting, which like you said above requires the view of length, space, and objects around you. I play the game Chivalry Medieval Warfare competitively, and you have to be able to see the actual lengths of your weapon and the enemies. It takes time to learn that you always need to watch your own back! This brings another challenge to the game and I think for the sake of why the game is being created first person would be the best option.

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My favourite series is the tes games, so I’m 100% fine with first person.
I think the spatial awareness and field of view limitations are actually a good thing - there’s nothing quiet as immersion breaking as being able to move the camera to see around or over obstacles while your character is safely hidden.
The realistic fighting may be tough though - the only game I know of that has great melee fighting is Mount&Blade - which is third person.

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