What do you think of first person?

you mean looking through your own eyes like how it is in real life? yep, totally makes more sense to see your own bald spot :wink:

the most well done third person can never be more realistic and immersive than well done first person with body awareness for obvious reasons. end of discussion. now if you would like to put forth a sensible, logical explanation for supporting third person, be my guest, but quit the nonsense about how it’s more realistic and immersive than first person. you just lose credibility that way. :slight_smile:

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If I could dislike this comment I would.

So if it’s in first person all the armor on your guy and everyone else is invisible? Hmm

3rd person comes built in with cryengine by default, there really probably isn’t a need for me to do anything if they include console access in the game (which would be really silly of them to disable).

Either someone is just dragging this out on purpose…or we’re discussing two different concepts of immersion.

It seems like the 3rd party side is talking about becoming immersed in the action and story, while relating to the characters…like…watching a good movie.

Whereas the 1st person supporters are arguing for becoming immersed in the moment and the character by BEING the character himself…like…well like if it were you walking through rural Bohemia in the 1400’s.

1st person is obviously more realistically immersive… whereas 3rd can be more dramatically engaging (for some people).

I do not said that. But I spoke about the armor I would have built. And not, when you play in 1st person it seems evident that you cannot see your armor.

Yes it makes sense that you would not be able see your own armor all the time in first person unless you look down or go to your inventory or talk to someone. Personally I don’t prefer either first or third person in a game but because of the absolutely epic combat system that requires first person in this game it’s pretty non-negotiable. Also when I play Mount and Blade I’m in third person most of the time for tactical purposes but when shooting a bow or fighting hand-to-hand I like to switch to first person because it gives a sense of scale and intensity that third person doesn’t.

here its mostly question of first person in the fight (something that I completly understand),
So, why do not simply add an option off 3rd person wiew when you don’t fight ?
It seems like everybody would be happy there.

I’m more of a 3rd person person e.g. Witcher 3. 1st person does have some advantages, but I find combat to be hard to enjoy e,g, Skyrim

I can just speak for myself again, but no, it’s actually both at the same time. I really get more immersed in the moment and the character, even feel like being the character and walking through rural Bohemia in the 1400’s when it’s in 3rd person rather than in 1st person, and I’m more immersed in the action and story. I just don’t feel that relation to the body I’m supposed to inhabit in FP.
So again: [quote=“TheLoreSeeker, post:165, topic:13408”]
1st person is obviously more realistically immersive
just isn’t so obviously true, and I say that just because I know from my own experience. If I’m the only one who feels that way that maybe makes me a complete weirdo, but putting my ingame perspective in the head of the character rather than behind his shoulder is just not the same to me as feeling like the character himself.
Everyone’s allowed to feel different about that than me, but I just want to keep making a point about both opinions being valid.

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feels good/more natural to you =/= more realistic and immersive. 3rd person supporters lose traction and credibility every time they use that argument.

it’s like fat guy saying he feels better than he eats, therefore he’s happier, and happy=healthy. clearly a logical misstep there, as with the 3rd person=more realistic argument.

fact being ignored: being fat causes health problems in real life.
fact being ignored: looking at the back of your head does not happen in real life.


The visual does in a way allow you to “feel” your body but the question is. Is it worth it to sacrifice the realistic scale and point of view? I guess that’s a matter of personal preference.

fact being ignored: not eating at all causes health problems as well
fact being ignored: 3rd person does not require any additional development at all - it comes included with stock cryengine. Sure it’ll suck compared to 1st person, but if the 3rd person whinies want to play 3rd person make them suffer stock cryengine 3rd person camera for it.

You push your own arguments so much to the extreme that you completely miss the point. It evidently bothers you a great deal to actually see a character you are supposed to be playing. Probably so much, that you just can’t enjoy the game the same way as if it wasn’t there. Sounds like a pretty unenviable thing. But that doesn’t mean that everyone else just has to feel the same way or be a fool who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Some people just simply don’t see a problem about having the player character on the screen. Some people are just not bothered by that. Some people just don’t mind and really can (and really do) enjoy the game just as much in the 3rd as in the 1st person.

And some others obviously absolutely can’t and don’t. I feel kinda sorry for them, as it sounds pretty frustrating to me and I probably wouldn’t be able to play a lot of my favorite games, which don’t have any sort of 1st person, if I was this way.

If all the point you are trying to make is still just the fight-againts-the-idea-of-3rd-person-in-KCD, I’m actually all with you, but it’s really you who is getting a way off with his argumentation here.

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Until we know exactly how mechanics in the game work, we can’t know that. It’s possible to build mechanics around first person, and then, 3rd person would just technically not be possible

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Yeah, sorry, but I totally disagree with this too. It’s a lot of work IMO.


I prefer first person before 3rd person, mainly because I like the feeling of “control” i get when in combat. It feels better and is more immersive, i’ve had enough of 3rd person views for quite some time (dont mind if its optional tho)

This has literally (as I mentioned) come down to a battle of definitions.

I don’t want to speak for 213, but I’ve been interpreting his reactions as frustration with the fact that people arguing that 3rd person is more “immersive” than 1st…but 3rd person can’t be “immersive” in that sense because of camera placement.

It can be definitely be engaging and you can get emotionally invested in the character, world, and story… but as long as you are viewing your character from outside and behind yourself… it technically can’t be “immersive” per the definition of immersive.

adjective: immersive

  1. (of a computer display or system) generating a three-dimensional image that appears to surround the user.

I mean really… until real VR is created (I guess the Rift is getting there…or multiscreen)… not even 1st person is truly “immersive” by that definition… but its far more “immersive” than looking at the back of your head.


then also stop using the argument that looking at the back of your head is not like real life.
Because first person has this also
Fact = https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7780493824/hD299805D/
Fact = you can move your head and arms separately.
etc etc
and still general fact: you don’t watch at a screen with controller or mouse & keyboard in real life, you can start making shit like that.
In third person, the characters in their world function like “real” life. You control them, you aren’t them. Which I think is way better, because trying first person, is just trying, not succeeding, in my opinion. (and said several things why)

Actually we should have started with the definition, but I didn’t think this discussion was going to be about immersion. I thought it was more going to be more about combat mechanics.
If you look at origins of games, you also see that hack&slash has really distant cameras, with the character only taking up a small space.
So i’ll let you guys think out the rest of my reasoning

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It will probably require additional development, nothing in making games comes easy
believe, i’ve been there